
In exordium

In the beginning....

In the beginning I had no idea what a blog was. This was rectified. I have vaguely grasped what constitutes a blog, I have been banned from them, criticised on them, encouraged to interact with them and the list continues....

In a vain attempt to provide and contribute to the musings, melodramas, mysteries and mutterings that take place around me I have decided to make a hesitant entry into the blogging world. My parents will be furious...I should be studying for examinations...What a fantastic way to procrastinate.

What nature the commentary on this blog take will basically be dictated by what I feel like discussing. This may be travel ideas and hints, trivia, thoughts on the day, interviews with selected people, guest appearances and comments on daily life, law school, living with my baby brother, friends, others, work, global issues and anything else that happens to infuriate, entertain or bother me. It may, however, die a dismal death and not evolve far beyond this post!



At 5:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha sucker...you have joined my world. I hope your blog is better than those other vile ones people at that university you go to has been publishing

At 6:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this blog looks to be stylish, edited and full of good things in the world. It's organisation will be such that becoming lost will rarely occur and if you do it will be sweet, finding your way back to the good things of the world. May the blog administrator be strong and leave the crap to fly into never, never land.


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