
The news today

I am not a fan of people who sit on fences.

I hope these people cross the floor. I disapprove of the Australian government's treatment of refugees. Perhaps people will stop hiding behind their picket fences and take a walk on the footpath. http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/asylum-laws-in-limbo-ahead-of-debate/2006/08/08/1154802885471.html

Today my mate Kerry O'Brien addressed the 'communication breakdown' that is Telstra. He doesn't sit on the fence. http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/ . Transcripts to Kerry's scrutinising and interrogations are not available immediately. I presume some lucky duck has to type them up. I'll see how quick they are.

This crash is not good news. My brother training to be a pilot. My mother freaks whenever she hears news like this. It has not been determined why the pilot crashed. My brother may shed some light on this tomorrow. I hope he makes the correct decisions when flying planes and doesn't sit on the fence when it comes to decision making. I am waiting until his plane has two engines before I consider heading up into the big blue sky with him. I hope he never has an accident. http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200608/s1709509.htm



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