
Big Brother is Monitoring You

The 8th of August 2006 is Census night in Australia. The census is the government's way to gather information about people residing in this country. I could probably just give them the information required, rather than wasting all the time money and effort put into such a task.

My brother and I had an entertaining evening documenting our details, circumstances, beliefs and ideologies. We were planning to invite about 30 people over, preferably to make the results on our form slightly more interesting. This did not eventuate. While we entertained imaginative ways of filling out the census we didn't even put these into action. Boring! Oh well now some poor individuals will have to collate all the data and publish it. Then you will be able to access it on the web! http://www.abs.gov.au and it's all for free....mmmm. Post exams I may conduct my own census.

Now I can tell you that according to "the population clock" the current resident population of this country as of 10:26:56 (Canberra time) on the 9th of August 2006 is/was predicted to be 20,596,900. ABS also informs me that "we're living longer, working harder and using more energy."

While its commentary on Victoria could be a little more entertaining, failing to provide an image that this state is home to second most livable city in the world, I appreciate what the ABS says. However, its statistics on Indigenous Australians I shall take more time to consider. You can also access the Australian Year Books via the ABS. These can provide hours of frivolous entertainment....and yes provide a possible means of procrastination when preparing papers, exams and presentations.


At 10:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi you sorry souls, i do not understand why you would be reading this, buti guess i qualify as emma's equivicol brother.The government is now going to plan the country about my probable religion,income bracket and health needs for the future.As I said that I am a Jedi Night in the religion (optional) section, i am expecting new laws to be passed on personal privacy etc as i can now use my jedi mind tricks tomakeyoudo what i want, and just remember, I can mind read too, no bad thoughts, because I'll find you! Andas far as health goes, the government will continue to have long waiting lists because they willcontinueto make it so difficult to live if you do not have private health cover. In addition to this CASA is the most over legislated and unessasarily beuracratic governmentbodyand thus is extremely inefficient. They make my life moredifficult than it already is, howevermy life does have many upsides one in particular.

At 1:26 pm, Blogger Emma said...

James you are just my brother. No doubt about that, unfortunately. Perhaps you could spend as much time working on your typing and using the space bar rather than contemplating your secular beliefs. Your mother types better than you do! I think that might be a Knight not a Night you intended to classify yourself as. Night is when it is dark and you can see the moon and the stars. Knights are the men who sat at the Round Table in Camelot.


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