
Back at Law School: the good, the bad and the down-right unfair

some of you were lucky, or unlucky, to view a list of the good, the bad and the down right unfair according to Emm,now back at law school. It has been removed.

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At 2:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

emma, emma, emma, don't take on the world, law school, canadians or anyone else. You know academically they are all ignorant. Yes, you are right darling, BUT, please finish the course, enjoy your yoga, the bright sunshine, and the library when no one is there. Think there was an eminent architect who designed this part of the uni, and a rather good australian firm who designed the other and there is an anthony pryor sculpture to admire with the other sculptures around. And paintings, don't lets start. Nothing is unfair!

At 3:38 am, Blogger Emma said...

Dad one more post like that and I'll set your brother on you. Using your logic, that being I am right (I would argue that I am often incorrect) it would be correct to say it is unfair, and that I am right about that. Yes Dad things are unfair sometimes and I have never said people are academically igonorant thank you very much.

At 3:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It will get better. Some places their aint a lot of love, some places there are.

At 5:33 am, Blogger Emma said...

1. i'm not a baby
2. i don't suck anything up unless it is an alcoholic beverage
3. most of the time the world is fair
4. weak. me? yeah right.

At 5:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dean anon, who emma claims is gord. think you are talking about the wrong person. emma needs to stop being so responsible and mature and if she behaved like a baby it wouldn't be so bad. Despite how she presents herself she is not weak, she is far from. Goodness i don't know how i would have made it through the last few years without her support and friendship. She is obviously not having a great time at the moment, telling her to suck it up is stupid, what about cheering her up. She might have a few reasons at the moment for thinking the world is unfair, best not judge when you don't have all the information.

At 11:20 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gordon prisco, if that is you being rude and unkind to my daughter. go home, or come to melbourne and i will give you a lecture down here. you'd better be nice.

At 11:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what I wouldn't want to be gordon right now!! Nothing scarier than a mum !

At 1:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you met Belinda? She is only daunting when required, primarily when defending her children against loud mouth, opinionated individuals. The rest of the time she is lovely. So stay on her good side your fine, and it's pretty obvious how to do that. I got in her bad books once, it took a long time to get out of them...a friend of mine is still in them as she told her to .......! so not appropriate. so you better have not been taking the micky out of that woman implying she ain't scary.


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