

Today there has been a great deal going on in the world.

  • A coup in Thailand, I'm glad my sister is now safely back in Australia. Soon she is heading over to Western Australia to give a paper at a conference. She is also the 2nd Year co-ordinator for prosthetics and orthodics at La Trobe University.
  • Native Title has been found to exist in a metropolitan area in Western Australia. This is a first. The state government are going to appeal the decision, they do not agree. In the Yorta Yorta case it was found that native title did not exist. Olney J believed the claimants could not establish a continual connection with the land. His consideration of the evidence presented has been criticised. A number of people did not agree with his decision. Most of the Native Title legislation I do not agree with, especially John Howard's amendments: The 7 point plan. At the end of the day Native Title is not Land Rights. There is a right to land for Indigenous people in the Northern Territory. Had the initial bill for this been passed, rather than watered down when the Whitlam Goverment was dismissed making way for the Frazer Goverment, it would have been far better. Even this has been ruined now.
  • ABC workers to go on strike tomorrow. I think my Dad would argue this is the best television station in Australia, accordingly the workers should be paid more. If it telecasted the AFL it would be perfect.
  • This is one brave kid. This is a video of the speech she gave. I bet her Dad would have been proud.


At 10:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that comment re the WA fed court decision is a bit superficial don't you think. give us your unequivocal opinion on the deicision...after you've read the case....what are you doing wasting your time at that law school....come discover the frustration that is australian legal history, advanced consitutional law, and native title...don't stay up there getting upset...come home...come home now...i'll pick you up from the airport!!! just name the time and the place

At 11:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No you can't come back yet I have just made up your bookcases and dont want to have to pull them apart and give them back to you. (And who is anon telling you to come home HMMMMMMMM????????)
Although if you came back I have enought assignements and presentations to write to keep you busy for the long haul.

At 7:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah you should have gone to law school down here all along. Oh well, do what you can up there to survive...masters really won't be too far off...don't worry i know people...who cares about those who don't care about your academic merits or integrity up there. you're great we love you

At 7:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to your consideration of whether or not picket lines were industrial action or other throughout australian history. We want news, we want information. Ignorance leads to contempt

At 11:53 am, Blogger Emma said...

You know you don't want to go back to Melbourne. You want to come to Europe. London. You know it


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