
Happy Birthday to you!

This is my beautiful friend Meg. Today is her birthday. She turns 27 years old. Isn't she stunning. She spent many years breaking the hearts of many men around Melbourne. I've been around to celebrate numerous birthdays with her, but not this one. She lives in England now, with her fiance Patrick. Patrick is a lovely English gentleman. I've decided for Meg he's a keeper, actually I think she was aware of this long before I even met him.

Meg and I lived around the corner from each other when she started at Ruyton. We caught the tram together from grade 3 onwards. Back then a tram ticket was 35 cents Meg is a fantastic friend. While I couldn't make it to her Hens Night earlier this year (I heard it was an absolute blast) I will be at her wedding with bells on. Happy Birthday Meg - love you lots and miss you heaps!!!


At 12:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emma - check your dates. You think after being friends with the girl since grade 3 you could get her actual birthday correct. The week is right but try the date!

At 2:18 pm, Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...

you need to go back to blogging school anderson. and you've known her for 27 years....my goodness.

At 10:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the thought that counts.

At 4:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get rid of that Gordon Prisco bloke. He is nothing but trouble.

At 6:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

knowing the sort of girl you are i would think you did know her that long, those others don't have the nous for a spirital connection

At 6:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

isn't gordo great, fell for it, can't tell the set up. Passed this time, bloody clever

At 7:44 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever is writing this garbage on my blog; identify yourself or refrain. There is no place for such rubbish, unless of course I have authorised it. Alternatively, move away from the abstract and engage with reality!

At 7:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way gordon. Do the math I met her in grade three. Presumably if we were at school together we are aproximately the same age. She is turning 27. Therefore, it would be impossible for me to have known Meg for 27 years.


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