
Petro Georgiou doesn't sit on the fence

Petro Georgiou is, or was (depending on where I currently reside), the local minister of federal parliament. On the issue of asylum seekers he has not sat on the fence.

It is anticipated he will cross the floor (or jump the fence) when the coalition attempt to pass the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill. In fact the
Age quotes him as saying:

This proposed legislation does not make me proud to be Australian. If it is passed it will be another episode in Australian history that is shameful; we had the opportunity to do something better but we didn't. The opposition spokesman on immigration, Tony Burke, said something I agree with: "Australia is better than this bill. This legislation before us today undermines our sovereignty, is offensive to our decency and makes a mockery of this parliament."

I don't normally agree with people. Politicians frustrate me. This is not a new issue. If this legislation is passed it will be a sad day for Australia's humanitarian record. This is difficult to deny.


At 5:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, but you are sitting on the fence. Emma i'm horrified. Take a flying leap over the stupid fence (i imagine it's a vile white picket one) so boring, and tell us what you really think. There should be no fence...not even an imaginary one!

At 7:41 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so your trying to say this is equivocally you...really. Perhaps it is equivocally you as a genuine lack of arguement, rather a survey of what you have presented has occured. Come on you know you like to get down to the nitty gritty and tell people what you think...perhaps you are warming up...let's see something equivocal!

At 1:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes not sitting on the fence still doesn't get you much.Poor Mr Georgio


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