Today walking to Uni I saw a friend of mine. They weren't having a great day. Hopefully my efforts to cheer them up worked. Knowing that I made someone else feel better makes me feel better, and makes me forget how the last few days haven't been great. I think I'll go back to caring about people, positive energy is good.
Have a great day!
emma, quit being such a baby. life is good.
well obviously idiot she does think life is good otherwise she wouldn't have made the post.i presume you are the same individual that called her baby on the previous post. i've heard people call her many things, while i think your stupid i'll add it to my list. don't judge other people.who are you to say whether life for one person is good or not.
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Emma, emma having a great day because you are, you do care, but get over it. Do like the comments, come back punching, there are others out there punching for you.
Love the blog, love you. and a thoughtful post. don't get over anything!
who ever made the post that begins emma emma required lessons on the english language. must be a bond student.i move that you delete it.
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