
Can anybody hear me?

Sometimes it’s comfortable writing this blog, thinking nobody really reads it. They have better things to do, other sources of information that are more reliable and informative they can mull over. I mean why read this when the variety, gossip and controversy makes other blogs far more interesting? I thought the publicity campaign I undertook for a time generated some interest but with few people posting comments I was content to create my own amusement.

While I am aware my Dad reads this religiously, I have in fact threatened to delete some of his comments, but yet to act, and my sister pops by time to time - basically to accuse me of plagiarism and to justify her poor spelling -I didn’t think anyone else bothered or people were just off doing bigger and better things. No problem with this.

Obviously I was somewhat deluded. After calling my friend Anna and profusely apologising for not having seen her while in Melbourne, she responded “don’t worry I catch up with you ever day. I read your blog.” Then, back at Bond I was walking past my friend Ash who said “your blogs fantastic. I love it.” There have been other times that people have revealed they too are frequenting this.

Partly because I was bored and partly because I have adopted some new lifestyles changes, I have attached what is called a site tracker. One of my new lifestyle things is to do something new every week. I have to learn something new in the computer/internet world. I have to learn something new and interesting about the law read and a new case. I try to read a new book, or re-visit an old one (the philosophy behind re-visiting is that you always get something different out of it so it is possible to interpret this as reading a new one). I also try to cook something new each week. And so the principle continues…..

To confess it actually took me about two weeks to work out the site tracker thing properly. Now I can see people visiting the site. Well that’s not entirely correct, rather I get an indication of how many people visit it, the approximate region these people are from. I now know that Freehills in Melbourne in fact comes through NSW. Moreover, I know someone in Boxhill. I also have two visitors from England and one from Portugal. Very exciting. Yes, very exciting!

if your up to it leave a comment! It's interesting to know what you think, or if you even do.


At 1:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. Just because we don't comment doesn't mean we don't read, or think! You just keep going. We will let you know if it gets crap, until then keep up the good work my dear

At 1:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We would like to know who you know in Turkey, Portugal, Andrew Island or something in Canada, and who in goodness reads your blog from the NT. Is there is something you are not telling us. Is there something you need to tell us?

At 2:00 am, Blogger John Curtin said...

hey em,
just saw this blog address on face book and having a read, nice work, see you around uni :)

John Curtin

At 1:29 pm, Blogger Emma said...

ahh john. A fellow melbournian. and kewit too, I think. Thanks for the complement. Come back soon!

At 1:32 pm, Blogger Emma said...

p.s. john i went to your blog. You must have been busy with student council, or perhaps you are getting over those floods still! i'd say get back blogging but each to their own!

At 8:12 am, Blogger John Curtin said...

hehe, between myspace and facebook i let my internet marketing blog kinda go! they are good fun though and easy to use


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