
Rambling, like father, like daughter

You may have read the following comment. You may have not. Momentarily I was perplexed, when I read it. Then realised it was my father up to his usual antics.

Once, he read a paper I had written for a History Subject 'South-Africa Under Apartheid.' His skills with English are far better than mine, and it also helps to have 'fresh eyes' to consider something you have been looking at for two weeks straight. Anyway, Dad fixed a few commas, moved a few full stops and corrected some 'typos.' However, at the end of the paper he decided to write the comment: 'Have you read Coetzee.' Well yes of course I had but nothing said in the text was remotely relevant to the paper I had written. So I gave my father a written response, something along the lines of just because Disgrace is about South Africa and is a very interesting commentary on contemporary issues in post-apartheid society in no way is it relevant to a paper that has a word limitation of 4000. Especially when I have 5000 words and that's with removing 'the', 'forgetting' to put a space after full stops. I am obviously going to have to re-write at least half of it to bring it under, so material not related to the the topic, although interesting, should be avoided at all costs. But more to the point, did you actually read the essay? I would be interested to see how my thesis related to anything Coetzee addresses. Well I guess they have the point of commonality; that being they are both based around South Africa.

Well that was a nice little journey. If you were not aware of the ,comment to which I was referring to:
Anonymous said...
only got to 2 minutes, but your mother is singing on Sunday at the market, perhaps this will inspire something other than the dreaded carols. But then again she is doing the wedding on Saturday so I will update, either the Healesville Howlers or 'the hills are alive with the sound of log trucks and open throated two wheel road bikes' or perhaps the 'friends of the gang gang parrot' choir, sponsored by Friends of the Earth. The sound of protestors being crunched while chained to the log trucks,a new protest sound. Another possibility, the Lilydale Station and copying being the big compliment of originality plan for the Lilydale Railway Station Choir. Keep studying..."

My mother, despite what my father may appear to suggest in that comment is an amazing singer. Fantastic range and really missed her calling when deciding not to pursue this or take her position up at NIDA. My father, also thinks this, so I am not sure why his making reference to gang-gang parrots. I think the key point of this comment was that the Choir Mum recently decided to join (a very small one so she can't make a business appointment and not go as he absence is duly noted) was singing this weekend. Her debut, however, was not at the Sunday Market (that isn't for a while) rather it was at a Wedding. At the wedding they were singing a numerous pieces, including one of my favorites John Rutter's For the Beauty of the Earth. The rest was obviously commentary on what is happening up at Healesville, but so not related to my Mother's singing.

Apparently, the performance went well.



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