
Life at Bond

Over the last week I have engaged in dialogue about Bond University with some of my friends. Bond was Australia's first private University. It is located on the Gold Coast. I was trying to illustrate the difference, or perhaps it that should be portray the complete absurdity, between my life at Bond and theirs. I have things in common with these friends, often we will voice. similar concerns (political, social, environmental, and ecological.) However, I also believe that we respect, value and enjoy learning, developing and acquiring knowledge and entertaining different opinions.

One friend commented that the best thing at Bond was the beaches. However, there are no beaches at Bond. It is located in a suburb called Robina. This suburb is landlocked. They also positied that the University is an architectural masterpiece (obviously studying architecture.) They then added "get the dam degree and get out of there..Keep your head down low and let the shit fly."

I have commented on life at Bond, previously. However, this 'list', or account, failed to truly describe my life at Bond. Today I had an idea - I don't have these very often - I would introduce you to the small community who declare themselves 'the Bond Bloggers.' If they don't it's a label I deem applicable. Sometimes I fall into this category, other times I don't. This could be attributed to the fact that I discuss 'private' matters on my blog, well that's what someone said. Yeah right.

The one person I would love to feature here has a blog site that is not advertised. They like to keep student politics separate from their blog. This isn't a bad idea. I respect this, alas I will not be able to link you to their site.

Next, is the 'anonymous' blogger at Bond. Apparently female, she chooses to comment on the world around her but likes the mystery that comes with anonymity. I am rather entertained by students attempting to discover her identity. 'Drew.'

30% of the law school at Bond University is Canadian. This is the blog of Gordon Prisco. He is one of these. 'One of these' being a Canadian. I was banned from Gordon's blog earlier this year. Apparently, I am "a baby" and "need to loosen up" and "have a drink." Last I knew people were free in this country to choose to partake in the consumption of alcohol. I also thought it was considered a friendly thing to offer someone a lift somewhere. Usually, the passenger(s) would say thanks to the driver. Rather, in North America, the custom must be to ridicule the driver. Despite numerous requests for this ban to be lifted the person who declared himself dictator of this blog continues to refuse. I stopped really caring about this ban, sometimes ago. So be it.

There is this person. This individual, who has adopted a highly inappropriate nickname, is often reprimanded by those in charge at the University. I don't really blame them. I do not endorse anything said, done or projected on that website. Take this as a warning if you choose to select the link.

I also like this Blog. Here, a student on exchange provides an enlightening account of studying at Bond, often in contrast to the law school she attends in Canada.

There is also Brendan Donoghue's blog. Brendan comes to Bond with a background in information technology. Being the President of the LSA, I call him a VIP.

Warning, while these individuals provide insight into life at Bond they should (under no circumstances) be taken to represent or stand for anyone, or anything, else except themselves.

Oh, and the library at Bond even has a Blog. However, since Homer has returned to the library, its profile has been low.



At 9:47 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Given Brendan's infrequent Blogging I'm not sure he should be considered a blogger.

At 9:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was low Drew.

At 9:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um emma. My apologies. Do you really go to uni with those people? Please, it must be a joke. Surely?

At 10:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I have been influenced by those around me. It's time to drop out. (nothing is ever my own fault)


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