
My world

This is my new friend. Well only a photo of what he sort of looks like. It's not my actual friend bu they are very similar. For about the last week when I've been at the hideout he has been looking at me through the window. He keeps coming back to visit. I wish I could take a photo of him, alas no camera. For those of not familiar with this member of the Kingfisher family, you can read more about him here. The scientific classification is located here. There are also lady Kookaburras, however, this one is male. Upon colonisation this bird was labeled a laughing jackass, no joke. It really has a hysterical laugh. Now its traditional name is used.

Today my friend has been sitting outside the window looking at me for the last 20 minutes. Normally he flys to a few different spots and looks for food. He focuses on the ground. I normally try to look where he is looking, for reasons later to be divulged. This time he is just looking into the window (well this is what I tell myself.) Apart from their laugh and good nature we really like these birds around here; they eat these. We think there may be a problem with the copper variety here. Accordingly, we are taking precautions. I was going to try and befriend these, Dad advised me against it. We've made sure the local hospital is well equipped to deal with any potential disaster. Apparently, this species threatened (and not just by my Mum) hence conservations efforts have been initiated. If it wasn't for some vague knowledge about eco-systems and so forth I would be saying we should kill em' all. Thankyou Mr Malcolm.

On race wear: http://blogs.theage.com.au/lifestyle/fashion/archives/2006/11/what_price_clea.html

on the weather in Melbourne:

The election, yes the state election:
I'm actually a bit over this whole thing so that's why I haven't said too much. I am passionate about Victoria but it seems it's going to the dogs either way. Lucky it's full of great people, and some good politicians they just don't have a very loud voice, or would that be good publicists.

Stay tuned for my Mother, the spoil sport.

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