
Sports Law

I decided some time back, that for the Sports Law assessment I (with a partner) would write a submission for this case. Mmmm, not sure what I have got myself into. Our lecturer chatted to us today. There are a few of us who selected this assessment. Jim (the lecturer) wants us to send our submissions off to Europe with a view to competing. Interesting? Over the next week there may be a few late nights. The lecturer said not to stress over it. I was trying to think of something that I haven't actually stressed over.

Anyway if your sitting and work and feel like a bit of fun, have a read! It's a interesting problem. In a week I'm sure I my knowledge of European football and the relevant rules will have increased dramatically.

Some helpful tips for written submissions are located on the website. Two of my favorite ones are:
Do not put all your eggs in the same basket - save the document on the hard drive of two different computers and on disks. A backup can not hurt you.

Remember Murphy´s law: if it can go wrong, it will.



At 10:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't use the terms "sending it to Europe" and "don't stress" in the same sentence .. that is just wrong.

At 10:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep Emma can do Europe and stress in the same sentence. In fact she can Europe, Paris and the Eiffel Tower and a birthday with stressed and upset in the same sentence. For her eighth birthday we went up to the tower, she had a cake but all she wanted was to spend her birthday with her Dad. Victor had been left behind for this trip so it was the three children and Belinda. Emma spent the entire day stressing that she didn't get to spend her birthday with her Dad. So there you go that's Emma, stress and Europe in the same sentence. Yes, she's odd! We wouldn't try to argue about that one.

At 3:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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