
Odds and sodds

  • I have finished classes for this semester. This week is swot-vac. Then a week of exams. I remember when I had exams spaced out over six weeks. I remember when I didn't have exams and handed in papers instead. This was a liberal approach to education, or so I was once informed by a Professor. I enjoyed that. I don't really enjoy exams. Two hours. Answer this question in 20 minutes. Don't tell me what you know, tell me what I want to know, and do it and get it over and done with very quickly. You probably will not be able to finish your advise. Nor will you have the opportunity to put this advice away for a day and consider it, nor will you be able to check, or cross reference what you have done. Oh and by the way odds are you probably will not recall anything you attempted to cram into you brain in the week and night before your exam, so you get to re-learn it all again in practise. Yippy! Well that's only the case if your not lucky to have a fantastic lecturer, who enjoys what the are doing, who has a passion for the subject matter and who is a great teacher. I am happy to write exams for people like this. However, I do feel bad when I don't do well. I am letting them down as well as myself.

  • Today someone informed me that I try to tell people what to do. I 'mother' people and this can be seen as prying. I don't know if I agree. They said this isn't necessarily a bad thing. The also told me that I care too much. A very good friend of mine, who has known me for sometime, and also knows me very well said that I am naturally inquisitive, I am interested in people, I like learning (yep that's why I am 27 and still at Uni.) They are one of my favorite friends for many reasons, but especially as they always make me feel fantastic about being who i am. The person who informed me of my mothering tendencies also said I can be negative. Yes, I agree. I shall try and curb this behavior providing people don't bother me too much. Since my very great meeting with the Registrar of Bond University I have been having a much better time, am looking at the University and the people here in a more positive way. I actually told my Mum when I came out of that meeting, that perhaps finishing my degree up here wouldn't be too bad. It's amazing what can happen when someone has a little faith in you!

  • Weather on the coast could be better. It's very windy. I don't like wind but I guess it helps ships sail. Oh sorry that was two centuries ago. It's good for wind farms which are more environmentally friendly than burning coal so wind is a good thing.
  • Bushfire's are proving to be a problem down south.

  • Victoria are considering moving to stage 4 water restrictions. Stop considering and do it now. In fact why didn't we do it two days after the elections. I would prefer to spend summer on stage 4 water restrictions and have water left, rather than straining the all currently strained dams. I would also like to know why we have not been on stage 3 water restrictions permanently since 1997. It makes sense. My mother has also become convinced that carting water from the bath to the garden, primarily to water her roses, makes sense. I remember something similar when I was very young. However, it was my Grandmother draining the bath water to water her roses. I believe it may have been the year Ash Wednesday devastated Victoria.

  • Since re-introducing the comments option on this blog, yet retaining 'publishing privileges,' there have been 42 comments I have not published due to content. Apologies to these people. However, I will not post: racist, sexist, unkind or cruel comments. Constructive criticism is permissible but think before you write! If you can not recall when I have previously stated this, please read here, here and here. I also have lots of new readers. In fact, a few days ago there were over 50 people who dropped by to see what I had to say. It was probably disappointing, as lately I have been rather preoccupied. Anna and Erin are popping by, Caro also, there is Cait, Meg, Lex, George, Sally, Jaz, Dave, Suz, Phil, Tom, Mrs Danielson, Kirsten. That will finish there, only because it's starting to sound like the ending to Young Talent Time.

  • I have changed the blog over to the program betta blogger. This was forced decision by blogspot's continual prompting to move, or upgrade - I can not actually work out what it is I have done. This seems to be a good move as now I can publish each post under a 'label.' Probably only people I have lived with, house sat for, and my family truly understand my passion for labelling.

  • Currently, I packing up the flat at Central Park. I'll miss the high ceilings, waking up in the morning looking out onto the balcony and the oval beyond that, walking out past the silver birch trees and smelling the Jasmine, also the swimming pool and out door spa (lovely at night as it's out doors and you can look up at the stars.)

  • The new relationship is working out well. There are few issues, but these are being worked through.

  • Further, if anyone has an material they would like me to post, or thinks I may be interested in, please email me. Obviously, I have more pressing concerns for the next week or so.



At 4:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are positively perfect in every way. To think I am often paid to write per word!!! Positvely perfect, but not in the 'mothering' Mary Poppins way, just in your lovely Emma way. Do I need to veiw this new relationship as a threat?????? Should I be jealous?

At 5:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I have a problem with the sketch, the model is right handed which you are not, and does your 'mac' have leftist tendencies.
Exams, an attitude is required, remember the aussies, fifth day test, start of day, Micheal Clark (batsman) says yes we can still win. There was a mountain in front of them, all they has to do was climb it and where were the poms, wondering whether they had to climb it or roll rocks down on the aussies. Hey it didn't work!!!!!
What did the aussies have, ATTITUDE, and confidence to win. Its that easy.

At 5:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cricket, now doesn't that confuse Canadians.....of course they will denigrate the game without knowing its more than a game.....

At 11:40 am, Blogger Emma said...

No one is perfect! including me. Thanks for the thought.

At 11:42 am, Blogger Emma said...

Dad, did you read the post like father, like daughter. Could i please suggest you review this. Cricket smiicket. Australia confuses Canadians. Cricket, I wouldn't dare introduce to them. Same goes for Aussie rules!

At 12:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Get with the program! It's not Aussie Rules - it's call Aerial PingPong!

At 1:49 pm, Blogger Emma said...

Well those boys have very good bodies for ping pong players!

At 3:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright, whose the idiot that thinks your perfect! Obviously blinded by something. Let's hope it's not love. Just tell them to loose the rose coloured glasses. But really, is there something you will to tell. Call me


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