
Family Matters

Tomorrow the Kid (aka my brother, Big Jim, tiny Jim, Ando, the prodigal son, the golden child, Moose and jesus) takes off on his first solo flight in Qld. I should be a good sister and cook him breakfast or something. I wont. You probably wouldn't either if it meant getting up at about 5.00. Far too early!

This is a photo of James and my Dad in Melbourne when he was heading off to flight school there.
James wants to be a commercial pilot. Sometimes this scares me. Especially when he is using flight simulator software on the computer plays the Top Gun soundtrack and knows all the one liners by heart.

I hope he doesn't crash. There have been two light aircraft crashes in the past two days. One occurred in
Victoria and one in Queensland.

Dad and my sister attended an art exhibition this evening. Sarah (my sister) is friends with one of the exhibitors. The Gallery,
Pieces of Eight is Brunswick Street, North Fitzroy. 'Goodbye Robot' was Nid Kelly's exhibition. Dad was rather chuffed that Nid recalled he'd cooked her breakfast at the Wilson Road Beach House. He enjoyed it and promised to provide me with a more detailed account. He was rather tired and still had to put the bins out. (An outing with Sarah can be exhausting!). Tonight Dad is staying at the unit without his wife and her baggage (animals), so probably wanted to get off the phone to enjoy 'the serenity.' I got the distinct impression he was looking forward to this.

So yes, my sister Sarah has returned. She had an 'experience' lecturing in
Bangkok but has returned home and is now lecturing at Latrobe University. She seems to be enjoying this. I am hoping when I go home next she will enjoy making me a pair or orthodics for my running shoes!

My Mum is having another week off work. She is staying at our family outpost in Healesville, located in
Yarra Valley. She has just been overseas. First she flew to Thailand with her husband to see my sister in Bangkok. It was Sarah's birthday. 25 years old - Happy belated birthday Sar. Dad then flew to Chaing Mai and Mum flew to Malaysia to meet her friend Sue. The two ducks went to Sabah and saw Orang-utans in the wild. Mum said it was amazing. I am sure it was. After catching up with her I may write a blog about her little adventure.

The other children went on 'a holiday' when my parents went away. The children got to stay
here and Mum stayed here. I know my preference. (I think I shall refer these children to the family union rep. The Anderson Family Union AFU - is a force to be reckoned with.)


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