
Shut down

As of 6.53 PM (EST) this blog has been shut down. No further postings will take place. I wish you well.
Good day


At 7:46 am, Blogger Nic said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 8:35 am, Blogger Emma said...

Please, don't discredit me to think I would actually stop this blog because of some 20 year old from northern queensland with an interesting take on state, federal and global politics.

At 8:42 am, Blogger Nic said...

HEY EMMA WATCH IT! - there is NOTHING wrong with north Queenslanders!

At 8:45 am, Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...

Told you that you'd be back...

At 8:46 am, Blogger Nic said...

If you didn't close it due to him then why did you close it?

At 12:05 pm, Blogger Emma said...

i have relatives in north queensland and there not like that either. i was aiming for a narrow category, and while you may be from northern qld, are you male and 20 years old? If so then politics? I

At 2:58 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this blog is shut down, why the comments still?

Gord may be right on this one...you are being a sook.

At 4:53 am, Blogger Denny Crane said...

From what I know I wasnt the cause of this blog shutting down, I behaved myself recently, but I will take a win when one is offered. Lets face it either Emma must concede defeat to me or Drew must apologise, It's a win win.

As for my political views, the conservatives have been in power for 12 years and we will win this years election also.

As to both Drew and yourself trying to put shit on me, I may be a Nth Qld male but I am not of the age 20. This was something as simplistic as looking at my profile or facebook file. Do the math 25/11/87.

I understand your envy for me but it is really wasted, you do not know how hard it is being so far superior to your peers, as I do.

At 9:28 am, Blogger Denny Crane said...

It appears your value for the freedom of speech is low, However we both know Ive won this one and take the moral victory, I will be sure to remind you of such every time we meet.

You may resent my hard right wing stance on politics and you can keep depicting me as a monster and in some senses you are correct, but we both know I can reach more then you can esspecially considering my home ground advantage, your ultimate quest to destroy to my character and reputation will be unsucessful and be forwarned that is this if this childish game does not stop then you will be the one to suffer. I am already considering appropriate action

At 12:50 pm, Blogger Emma said...

jack you have to be kidding. My decision has nothing to do with you, as difficult as that may be to stomach. Take credit when it's due and it is not here. Stop posting comments and go and do some work, or drink some rum or play pool, or talk to some females, go to dons, read a book, go to a political rally…whatever.

This is not a competition. Never has been, never was. I have not said anything to anyone about you. Who cares if you have political clout around here, not me. I have friends and supporters and hopefully they have better things to do that to read this ridiculous comments.

I will not concede defeat because there was never any competition, argument, duel, fight whatever you would like to call it. I've done my own thing, before I came to Bond, done my own thing here and will continue long after leaving. Defeat to what? You and I live in two very different ideological worlds. I am happily content in mine and you in yours. And you know what, that is fine. Don't credit yourself with winning a battle or argument that never existed.

I don't have never disclosed the way in which I vote, and I find it rather interesting you appear to have full knowledge of my voting preferences. I am aware of how long the federal government has been in power, vote how you want and don’t be stupid and suggest I would resent someone because of their political beliefs.

Those are the last two comments from you I shall be posting Mr Blackburn and let us be clear
1. there is only an implied right to freedom of speech in Australia.
2. There is nothing to admit defeat too
3. moral victory? you have to be kidding
4. enjoy your ‘right wing’ stance. Are we not so lucky to be citizens of a country where we may not see eye to eye yet don't get shot for it.
5. Character, moral high ground whatever, I have work to do work I'm paid money to do.

I am sure you will learn much in your years to come. Embrace what other people have to offer you – both alike and different

At 7:17 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats to C. for silver !

At 10:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut down and now its comments only......what about the Byrnes saga, more news later today


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