

My promise to stop reading the Age was effective for a little bit. However, life isn't right without the coffee and the paper to start the day. I've made the sacrifice to read on line, rather than in hard copy. That's probably not a sacrifice given the reduction in environmental waste. Who knows, here is some interested articles from the last week:

Rather amusing, however, I think the poms vs Aussies rivalry is a bit boring. I know it's entertainment. Read here.

Barry Humphries, always entertaining. Here.

I am against most recent changes to tertiary education, including but not exclusive to VSU, the introduction of Fee Help, the reduction of HECS places so on and so forth. This is one of the reasons why.

Dakota Fanning is unique. I do not believe she should be compared to other child stars, as described in this article.

Didn't really like the theme behind the advertising campaign but I would still encourage people to visit Australia. While I don't condone Lara's actions it does 'take two' and the media's assault on her has been unequal when compared to the other party. Thoughtful commentary here.

This weekend I haven't got around to much reading wise, but have read the weekend Australian cover to cover. A definite plus being back on campus the papers are at breakfast every morning.

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