
Once again: the academic year resumes (part II)

While classes start tomorrow for most of us there is a small group of select and dedicated individuals who started back a lot earlier this year: the Jessup Moot Team for 2007. I really congratulate these 4 people.

They have all worked incredibly hard, and have not necessarily been given the support, encouragement or guidance (in my opinion) awarded to previous Jessup Teams. Last year’s Jessup Team were very successful. A team of 5 people (I think), their coach and an International Law Lecturer were fortunate to travel all the way to the northern Hemisphere to compete in the Final Competition. I was speaking to a member of this year’s Jessup Team, she didn’t think they had a chance to go to Washington, however, she always under-estimates her own abilities. If they don’t have a result like they did last year, and who cares whether they do or not because quite frankly putting expectations on people like that is stupid and they don’t need that sort of pressure. Nonetheless, I will be disappointed, not because they haven’t done well, but because I have seen how truly hard they have worked in a law school that has no International Law Lecturer, and despite being held in high regard when it comes to Mooting have more or less left this group of people alone.

The reason these four students (the 2 Kate’s, Cate and Brendan) had a week’s break and then were back up working is because the submissions for this competition are due this evening. Then in four weeks time the head down to Canberra to participate. When these individuals were selected they didn’t know each other, the students of the law school weren’t even informed of their selection. They met, they studied, they worked hard, then harder and then harder still. They did this all without an international law lecturer to provide guidance. They did have some support from two assigned coaches (Jodie and Joel.)

Often people talk about how team work is important. It’s considered very important at this University, as reflected in the many group exercises and assessments that are conducted. This years Jessup Team should be rewarded for their ability to come together and work as a cohesive unit. Obviously, as is the case with all groups, there have been issues, conflicts, disagreements and discrepancies, but the way in which they have dealt with these, overcome them and moved on and away should really be identified, rewarded and most importantly applauded.

Despite, the lack of recognition and support usually awarded to the Jessup team these 4 students have risen above the situation and done a superb job. I hope their efforts are rewarded. If their ability to work both independently and as the cohesive team they have become is any indication of their abilities they should be booking their plane tickets to Washington. Regardless, good luck for the last few hours this evening. I’m thinking of you. I think you are all amazing individuals. The way you have worked together, have supported and encouraged one another, as well as the effort, hard work, and determination you have all exhibited is a true reflection of what talented, intelligent and remarkable individuals you are.

To all the other law students, who bother reading this blog, congratulate Cate Martin, Kate Allen, Kate Mitchell and Brendan Scandrett when you see them. Give the some encouragement and let’s really support them in the few weeks leading up to their competition in Canberra.


At 4:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree entirely. i only presumed there was a moot team as there was a room with a label on it.i;m not around campus that much but rememer hearing a lot about the team that competed in 2006, even before they headed to canberra. best wishes and good luck to the team for 2007, they sound like a great group. very independent, good on them.

At 4:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah yah! go bond jessup team. best of luck in canberra. this is the lucky country! hope you suprise yourselves with your performance, perhaps you could conisder taking emma as your mascot! what's bond's mascot? alternatively you could don tatoos - we did that for IV one year. mind you i hope your mascot is something better than an angel! out tatoos didnt look to scary!


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