
Law school news

Today, is Kat's last day. As of today the coffee kart will no longer be in operation. So long until next year. What about all the people that have land tomorrow, then civil procedure, then corporations law on Friday. I think that is a little selfish of the University to shut down this valuable resource, especially given the unlucky predicament of those few tomorrow. Maybe I can get some coffee going in the LSA room. I'll see what I can do. Anyway, she's fantastic. I love seeing her everyday, and how amazing is that memory. That is something I know the Lucenti's will probably miss about Bond. I've seen Dave hanging around waiting for Kat to turn up so she, and not someone else, will make his coffee.

Some people change notes mid-stream, the day before the land exam, as the second set of notes are 'prettier.' This was overheard in the law library. No it wasn't from a female, rather a blokey Australian. Interesting. Guess who that was!

Apparently some people are so important around the University that they no longer need to wear shoes.

The majority of those that sat PPT on Monday where really happy with the exam. they felt that the knew the material and handled it well. One student that wrote the exam said this was attributable to Michael Lumpton, a great teacher. Reactions regarding the Contracts exam were mixed, as were those for Constitutional law. Those that took the early Sports Law exam thought that it was far too long, some where happy with how they did, others were disappointed that exemption clauses didn't feature. I've heard Business Associations wasn't much fun.

I've tried to keep this short, with the view it shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes to read! Apologies if it's a little on the long side.

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At 3:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

its ok I can speed read I am amazingly clever at some things

At 12:05 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like a sister

At 2:36 am, Blogger Emma said...

no it's not my sister, she has told me numerous she is far too busy and important to read this blog.

At 11:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that you are putting words in my mouth at certain times indeed I am too busy to read your blog. Especially when it goes on and on and I am, as rob puts it, trying to bend time to fit everything in sometimes it does not bend nearly as far as I plan for it to.
Otherwise yes I do read things and I never stated I was too important to read anything. It is all a matter of priorites and sometimes coffee at marios is more important. I am waiting for the realestate agent at the moment and thus have time to read and comment on your blog thingy.

At 12:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

marvel at my greatness. I do actually have legal arguement for not wearing shoes


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