
Not happy

This is the sixth post I have attempted to write this week but things keep going wrong, so the post has never been posted. The post I just lost was on the bushfires down south, exams, Christmas and news in general. Bad luck.I refuse to re-construct this post, or any of the others for that matter.

I am also not happy because while my readership has at least doubled in the last two weeks none of these new readers have posted comments. Do they not know how to do this? It is rather straight forward: click on 'comments,' write your comment and then click 'submit.' Perhaps, that sequence of steps is difficult for some to excute? I don't know? While I am the first to admit I do not wish my blog, nor my readership to be equated to that of other blogs at this university (or course with some exceptions), I would still like some of my 'friends' to post comments. If you can't take the hint: I am feeling neglected.

I am not sure how the law school will feel next semester. With exams concluding on Saturday a mass exodus, to the northern hemisphere, shall take place. Alas, some of these people will not be returning. If I could convince someone to buy me around ticket home to Melbourne via Canada, that would be fantastic. Then I could go to the Christmas party everyone is talking abut The likelyhood of this: highly unlikely. I must be in a very strange mood, presumably brought on by exam tension, lack of sleep, too much coffee, not enough tea, and far too many apples. This is because I was talking to my friend Sabrina and got upset because I think I will miss seeing Mark and Dave Lucenti everyday in the library. Who will call me emmmmmmmmma anymore. I am lost, especially because Dave has sworn not to set foot in this country again, with the exception of Sammy's wedding. However, I think that was on the condition it was a gay marriage, but don't quote me on that. With the current state of federal politics in Australia I doubt that will legally be possible in my life time.

Exams still in progress. Gross. Actually that should really say: study in progress exams still pending. If anyone is in the law school without circles, grotty study clothes, stress lines, and fatigued skin well they really should study harder shouldn't they. In the alternative, thye are obviously far too intelligent for law school, and should find something better to do with there time.

Obviously, I am not in a great mood. However, the weather is good. I should pass my exams. Yippy. Packing is progressing as scheduled and today I bought some oven cleaner. It's times like this I wish my Mum was around. I despise cleaning ovens, not so much because of the manual labour involved, rather because I can't breathe for the next five hours because of the fumes that send me into a wheezing frenzy.

Sorry for the rather dreary post, but I am grumpy I lost my previous one which was rather good, that I am writing this when I should be studying and that one of my friends has gone 'missing in action' after the PPT exam. You might not hear from me until next week, but then again you might. I don't make promises I can't keep.
Be well x em


At 9:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i'm still around. and craigs hut got burnt down. Your brother says it happens all the time, just a movie set. It suffered an ember attack and with a bark roof it was
gone. So there bushfire news!

At 9:41 pm, Blogger Nic said...

Cheer up Babe. We all feel the same way around this time.

Yours is not the only blog people read but don't comment on.

If the brothers don't know how great this country is that's their problem, not yours. Besides, it gives you a great excuse to visit Canada.


At 10:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they can't be bothered because you may not publish their post.

At 1:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay now I feel like a crap friend. Sorry, shit going down. I love your blog. I love reading it everyday with my coffee and forgetting about the world around me, or hearing your refeshing and entertaining commentary on the world. This hidden talent of yours is delightful. I know you didn't like school but to think this went untapped. Yah for public univesities, and obviously yah for private ones (to prevent any bad press.) Keep it up! I'll try to comment more

At 5:14 am, Blogger Emma said...

on second thoughts, after reading numerous posts i've decided the lack of people commenting doesn't really bother me. these would be all the posts by people that have reading or leaving difficulties. Oh, and think my entire life is about Bond, and that i don't throw myself into lfe at Bond. Silly. Do't know who you are, nor do I really care. The comment was directed at friends of mine who don't even go to Bond. Constructive criticism, take a joke and throw in a pinch of salt why you are there to those people who suggested
a) i don't like Bond at all. WRONG. there are things that are great about the place, and I do refer to these often. I'm not perfect, and I am sure you are not. Take an esasy you write. It's not perfect first time around, then you go away and reflect and change it around. Then you might as a friend or family member to read it. They will tell you what's good and what's bad. You often will listen to their advice. You might get your tutor to read it and they will offer suggestions. You may talk to your lecturer, they too may offer criticism, or destroy your arguement so you go back, you do further research, you support what you have to say with more primary sources. You may repeat these steps a number of times before you submit a final copy. The point is that first draft you had you have to work on if you want to do well. If you stuck with the first draft presumably your mark would not be as good as the essay that had been criticised, improved and re-worked. Further, if new information pertaining to your topic was published you would need to consider this: is it applicable to your paper? does it agree or disagree? If it supports your argument that's great. If it doesn't well you consider it you generated arguements to rebut it. Nothing is perfect, nothing stays perfect. Everything changes. Change is good. Don't be complacent with what you have, work hard, make what you can as good as you possibly can. If the people that made those comments don't agree with this, then you are missing the point and quite frankly if people like you don't like what I say I don't care. I have valid points, many people appreciate these. I don't appreciate comments like those you posted. To finally conclude
a) I do like Bond.
b) there are somethings about Bond that I find frustrating and could be improved, if fault was admitted.
c) I have made some great friends at Bond
d) I have met some people at Bond I don't like, I don't get along with, and I don't see eye to eye with.
e) I have lots of friends in many different places not just Bond and this comment was directed at all my readers but more so my 'friends' than people who are evidently not!
To all the lovely people hope you are well, enjoying christmas festivities and if you have exams good luck!

At 9:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

emma you write too much I can't read it all in the 5 minute slot can you please write short funny posts again

At 12:20 am, Blogger Emma said...

Sorry that was a little rant that I forgot to respond to the other comments.
Yes, dad anon. 1 I was aware that craig's hut (watch your grammar) burnt down. In fact that was in one of those many posts we shall not mention, as they were deleted. Ah, the brother's need to go to Melbourne and Perth! Alas, they didn't make it there. I also should admit they did really like the golf courses and the whitsundays. Yippy! North Bay watch out. I'm planning a trip to Canada, this is it so far:
1) Tim Hortons
2) Ice Hockey
3) Some bizarre bar
4) Tim Hortons
5) Roots
6) Vancouver
7) A ski resort (not whistler)
8) Vancouver Island
9) tim hortons
10) Herman Miller (for my dad)
11) That Jail where johnny cash performed
12) Tim Hortons
13) North Bay!!!
14) Qubec, if it lets me in and still considers itself part of Canada
15) Erin's house so I can go ice-skating on the lake out the front

My guidelines on the publishing of comments stands.

Don't feel guilty, the comment was supposed to encourage. Perhaps this message was not put across very well. Do exams, stress, lack of sleep suffice as an excuse!

Mental note, make sure some posts are short and sweet thus catering for people that have real jobs and don't have too much spare time! Or, in the alternative, bizarre lives like mine

At 12:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make a good point about criticism Emma. But remember that it is as much in the delivery as in the message itself.

Perception is reality, and while you may not actually mean to alienate people with your responses to their comments if they feel that you are then they are not going to comment again.

I on the other hand will comment on anything, so there you go. :)

At 2:13 am, Blogger Emma said...

point taken Brendan. however, those people who made those comments I have not posted I would like to continue to alientate. Harsh, perhaps. what they said, far worse.

At 11:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

phew, this is a bit involved. Spend more time admiring the buildings, you know which one, the sculpture (remember Anthony Pryor) and think of excuses to view the paintings etc, in the Board Room!


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