
My sworn enemy

Currently time is my enemy. There are not sufficient seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour, or hours in a day. There is simply not enough time available to complete what needs to be done. This is why I am sitting here at 3.05 am Qld time. If I didn't require sleep to function (unfortunately I am not one of those lucky people) I would probably just work for a week. Alas, it's time to go to bed. The alarm is set for a reasonable hour. Not a reasonable hour, however, considering I am going to bed now.
I often wonder why we have clocks. Why do we let them tell us what to do, when we have to do it and whether we are late or early. I would prefer to just go with the sun. The sun comes up - time to get up. The sun goes down - bed time. Pity that Queensland don't like EST, therefore there is no daylight savings. Daylight savings would have to be one of my favorite things at about summer. It's right at the top of the list, equal with; the beach, swimming, the sun, not being cold, swimming pools, hammocks.....holidays.



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