
Law school: who is this?...UPDATE: new information

Introducing a new segment for equivocallye emma.I am borrowing the idea from that section in the Hearald Sun that comes after the triva quiz. (I remember when I paid two dollars and reiceved the that paper everyday. I'm glad I didn't pay anymore.)

You will be given certain clues about a person. The clues will be given one by one, obvious. The less clues you need to guess the identity of the individual the better you score.

This photo depicts a female student from the law school.
Any guesses, post in comments. There will be a prize!
1. This person may not have lived in Qld originally, however, if they were to go home now this would be less than an hours drive.
2. She is older than twenty but younger than twenty-five.



At 3:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is not emma.

At 12:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah that's really narrowing the field.
1) she lives in qld, well most of us do
2)she lives on the gold-coast or brisbane given drive distance
3) she's between 20-25.
Well that's great we can narrow it down to the majority of the females in the law school
well given you have a picture of her she is probably a friend of yours!

At 11:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's amanda.

At 6:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with dick van. It looks like amanada. How cute!

At 10:03 am, Blogger Emma said...

Well done. you did guess right. it's amanda ryan. you both win a prize. come and see me to redeem it!


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