
The University Experience

This evening someone told me that you hadn't experienced 'university' until you had participated in a pub crawl. This was their justification for belittling me as I decided not to attend the Bond University Pub Crawl for 071. They didn't ask if there were reasons for this decision, they just passed judgement. Like me many of my friends decided, for a plethora of reasons, they didn’t wish to go. Likewise, I am sure many friends of the person who was so quick to judge me are going. I hope they have fun.

My choice not to go may have been related to the $30 odd dollars it costs. For this one receives a rather unattractive tee-shirt that most females cut up so it resembles something akin to a singlet or in some instances a bathing top. Most males manage to fashionably and strategically rip theirs, otherwise there is also the activity of writing offensive remarks. Alas, the thirty dollars only entitles one to a free tee-shirt and bus ride. The ‘team-leaders’ on the other hand don’t pay to go and get drink cards, which allocate them free drinks. While drinks are discounted for those wearing the pub crawl tee-shirt this is usually about fifty cents off the standard price. Apparently, the only event run by student associations that provides a free drink is Drink the Pub Dry.

Someone told me to 'stop acting so old' and go. I did have to inform them that I was old and content with that. I stopped short of telling them if I'd counted all the put crawls I'd been on then it would amount to more than the number of years they had been out of secondary school.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable time. If I am driving through surfers paradise at 2am I will keep an eye on the gutters. Furthermore, I will make sure that when you are telling me how terrible you feel on Saturday morning, I tell you how fantastic I feel.

However, the assumption that without experiencing pub crawl you haven't experienced university is what I wish to comment on. This is a farce. It may constitute an activity that could be considered important to the academic life of tertiary students, as too are enrolling, attending, partaking in, failing, passing, and topping a subject you actually still do not understand. However, I believe other activities are more significant components to this ‘experience.’ This may be related to the fact that I am sure none of the students on the pub crawl this evening will be drinking dry and dry (without the consumption of this it really isn’t a pub crawl.)

Events I consider integral to this experience include:
• taking part in a protest, even forming a picket line
• signing a petition
• be berated by a radical feminist who takes an instant dislike to you because you haven’t seen the light like them and still wear make-up, high heels, a bra, a skirt, or because you are a sexist pig
• become a vegetarian or vegan for at least a week because that’s what everyone is doing and you really think it is the right thing to do
• joining a political party
• dating someone with dreadlocks
• being thrown in jail then calling someone to bail you out, then dealing with the ramifications of suspension from University
• not attending class due to consuming far too much of what smells more like methylate spirits than vodka at a faculty ball (hey they were dishing the drinks out of green garbage bins)
• Having a crush on a lecturer/tutor and enrol in a subject they are teaching because of this infacutation

(to be continued)

Thus, I am of the opinion that in defining a 'university' experience, one needs to look at a great variety of events, situations and predicaments than partaking in a pub crawl.

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At 2:29 am, Blogger Nic said...

So which of those experiences have you had Emma?

It's not that you are considered old if you don't attend. It's that you are considered anti-social. It appears you need to be a drop down drunk who parties at every opportunity to be considered part of the university. That is incredibly ironic given that is what happens at other universities and most of the 'drinking' set at Bond have a superiority complex. They are everything they try to distance themselves from.

At 2:46 am, Blogger Emma said...

Mmm, most of the above. However, I haven't been arrested. I'm not that radical. A friend of mine was. So I guess that one is by association. She was then suspended from the law school, which is a bit of a problem when you are enrolled in a year long subject and kicked out half way through. Lucky for them a law firm decided to take the University to task (via the effective court system) and they were re-instated. Dry'n Dry and vodka (closer to a cleaning product) yep been there, don't that. Ah those were the pub crawl days, and to make our money last we would purchase a box of alcohol have a few glasses before hand then put remove the bag and take that with us to the pub (an economical move.)

Cool, so i'm old, anti-social but then not a drop down drunk who parties at every opportunity (because I financially can't afford it, I have to work and I would prefer to save up my money and use it for 'special occasions.' But each to their own and I heard from some who attended they had a great time.

At 3:54 am, Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...

You've got a terrible attitude. All you do is mope around campus. Start smiling. That doesn't mean you have to attend drinking events, but you do nothing but complain.

You'll get out what you put into this experience.

At 6:59 am, Blogger Emma said...

gordon, that comment is the biggest load of nonsense, i am going to respond to it. In fact I am sure a lot of others will.

At 7:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha, stanley 20% extra for free, at la pochetta's followed by the clyde, ah those were the days. i remember that terrible metho evening, ah law balls those were the days. i also remember the consequences of your consumption of all that alcohol.

At 8:20 am, Blogger Nic said...

Gordon; the problem is the lack of activities that exist for non-res students. How can we socialise when most social events are on at night? If you are not amused by watching drunk people fall over and make fools of themselves then what is there for you? Morning Tea's? There has to be more than that.

At 8:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

gordon, honestly, what is your problem?! everyone is entitled to a little free speech and theres no need to post such a nasty message on someone else's blog. as far as im concerned, such a message only indicates that you are the one with the attitude problem! why dont you write messages on other people's blogs that actually MAKE people smile (as you so insist upon.) and by the way em, i loved your message about the jessup team - go bond!

At 8:40 am, Blogger Nic said...

And with reference to the smiling comment. Every time I see Emma she has a massive grin on her face. Perhaps she just doesn't smile at you.

At 10:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gord you have a very different opinion of Emma to myself. I could tell you how inaccurate your statement is - but I think you know how wrong it is. You just do it for the reaction.

At 10:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

em, your the best big sister ever. instead of being on pub crawl you well hanging out with me, cos I'd had a really crappy two days. if some is going to say something like that about you they just don't appreciate the fantastic person you are. gord's just silly, i am sure he doesn't mean that. if he does, he will be back in canada soon so don't worry. hey can you send me the photo of the snake, dad sent me one of the dog with the drainage tube hanging out it's neck, but not the fight with the tiger snake

At 11:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most people only smile at people they like Gordon.

Maybe reflect on why you don't receive Emma's smiles. Think about that everytime you are tempted to write something dumb like this again.

At 12:14 pm, Blogger Emma said...

I do smile at gordon when I see him. I would actually say I've tried to go out of my way to be a friend to him, like I have to many people here.

That's why I thought his comment was unnecessary. Perhaps he was searching for a reaction, but people have feelings and sometimes we need to realise this. I think I learnt the hard way to think before you speak. Sometimes I do have a blow out, but I guess with age while my alcohol tolerance had diminished my compasion and conern for peoples feeling has increased, of this I am glad.

Thanks for all the kind comments. Despite what many people think there are things I think are fantastic about Bond, and that includes those people who stick up for me, respect that I'm different, don't always agree with me but can see that I, like them, have an opinion which I fortunately can express in this country.

At 2:31 am, Blogger Denny Crane said...

what I am about to do comes close to shaking me to my foundations, I am going to agree with you Emma in part of the university exprience being a broad one. I think Catlin is spot on, like me Gord is a shit stirrer. All though in that part and in my opinion you would be more favoured if you were more social.

At 3:02 am, Blogger Nic said...

Emma, just be yourself, if people don't appreciate you then who cares. It yourself that you need to answer to.

At 6:30 am, Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...

Well boo hoo.

There are many events for Bondies. Pub Crawl is one of them. You DO NOT have to get drunk. Sure it's called a pub crawl - but there's no rule that says you can't come out and dance.

Anyway Emma, quit being a big baby and take part.

At 8:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think people are missing the point. Emma is social. Perhaps you need to redefine your definition of social. Of if you intend to stick with your definition Emma may not fit your definition but my definition she does. I am aware that she has spent time with numerous people over the last week. I can recall 6 Bond people she has caught up with over coffee. She didn't go out on tuesday because she was sick and has a shortage of funds until next pay day. I don't think anyone or Emma thinks drinkng is associated nor needs to be associated with drinking. Then she has been on the phone to me at for at least 4 hours and conversed with other people I know. Go get an education, embrace the 'other,' expand your horizons, break your obviously intrenched minsets and leave the girl alone. People do things for a reason!

At 8:06 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha i think your all hysterical. I spoke to em when she was writing that post. It was supposed to be a light entertaining read. Talk about serious reactions


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