
It's all my Dad's fault

Brendan Donoghue told me what he thought this morning. I know he should really be encouraged to provide people with his opinions more often. He doesn't do this enough. He told me what he thought in front of one of the Professors. Thanks Brendan. I haven't taken his course yet, but I hear you are! Let's just try getting to, or at least sending an advanced apology, to the Lecturer.

Brendan, told me that I never like anything about Qld. This is a generalisation. I don't agree with it. Brendan has taken some of my remarks out of context. Especially, the ones put out there to bait people just like him! He takes the bait all the time! I think he must skim read a lot, or just go reading what he wants to read, rather than what is actually in front of him. Many people do this including Gordon, Brendan and Jack. mmmm...Interesting gender trend there. I am quickly becoming very disturbed about the lack of reading and observation skills of some students at this law school. Cases can be won and lost on a single obscure point. I'll meet with my careers adviser(s) over the weekend and brainstorm some examples that i can post.

Brendan may I draw your attention to these posts:
this one, this one, and this one. Also to the posts on these people (who I obviously met in Qld), this person, this one, and these two. There are also some new friends I've made while up here and this is great. There are some people I've got to spend time with away from campus and I have really enjoyed this. Sometimes people don't like me and don't enjoy spending time with me. That isn't always good but what can you do. There are also the fantastic people I've met here that have moved on, my honorary baby brother Will, Sally, Sabrina, Dave, Jem, Nick, the Curtains, Rebecca, John,and Jade.

While you may say
this one looks at the bad and the unfair it also highlights to good. There are also events suh as this, this, this, and this.

Other things that are great about here are the Coolangatta Gold, the Australian SLSC (well this was good, now the tender goes to WA) the Beach, the Beach, the Beach, tambourine Mountains, O'Reilly's, the Donoghue family (your sister was one of the first people I met in the law school, it was at the coffee kart, and she introduced herself and asked me what I was taking,) your Mum and Dad are also great (I met them at Simone's birthday last year,) the National Park and its waterfalls, Little Beans, I Hate My Skirt, Thai food, great Ice Cream. Further, I think the architecture of the main bond buildings is fantastic. I also really enjoy the swimming pool and the sporting grounds are. There are also those lecturers and tutors that make the Law School a great place to be. Stay tuned for the unequivocal list!

However, I also like comparing and contrasting. I do this
here and here. Stay tuned and I will conduct a similar exercise with the east and the west (the Gold Coast and Cottesloe.) I will admit there are somethings I don't like. This may be related to Queensland, Melbourne or life in general. Nonetheless, like me many things are far from perfect. I'm willing to admit it, so I figure I can comment on the good, the bad and the down-right unfair to my hearts content. Once again apologies for still being in Qld to all those people who wish I wasn't here!

I've been thinking, which I don't do very often, that this mentality you have commented on may be completely my Dad's fault. You see he couldn't keep training for marathons in Perth, because of the weather, (or at least that's the reason he gives us, his brother and my Mum probably shed a little more light on the subject.) He packed up his little white WV Beatle with his possessions and his 6ft5" 80 kg frame and drove across the Nulabor plane. West to the east. To anyone not familiar with Australia and this stretch of road, basically you have to be a bit batty to do something like this (especially back in the 70s.) I think I've been there and back driving at least 4 times. I am sure my Dad will pass this off as a right of passage or some nonsense. Despite his love of the Tan, Marios, Blagorwie (prior to the yacht squadron and the mauve malvernians), the MCG, the NGV, Epworth Hospital, Brunswick Street, and Melbourne eating establishments he still talks about Perth like it is heaven on earth. The world's answer to utopia. I am sure this has something to do with the effects of nostalgia. I remember reading a very interesting chapter on this when I'll have to dig it out..... something about the fact that as we more further away from an event we begin to forget the bad and see only the good. Then we become rather sentimental. Anyway the point is despite have lived the majority of his life in Melbourne, Dad still claims to be a Western Australian, and continually reiterates how fantastic his Utopia is. This is probably another of his stupid characteristics I have inherited. So Brendan blame my Dad, not me!


At 5:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ignore him - you've just engaged in an exercise in ego stroking of epic proportions (mind you I'm glad to hear about the good things!).
Meanwhile my ego is feeling a bit knocked because you forgot me again. I think I'm your FRIEND - we drink coffee and spend time together and I think the world of you - and I read your blog, and look I'm finally posting as well! (So everyone add another person to Emma's friend list and good things about Qld cos I think I might qualify!)

At 6:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the epworth is where anon should end up. Not a place of joy, anon could spend nine days of bliss and never want to live in Qld again as he/she will have found nirvana in a drug cabinet

At 6:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've just worked out why someone might want to complain all the time around here with these comments - the problems that may source any "whinging" you refer to are probably not Qld or law school (however frustrating that may be) or a lack of good coffee and cold weather (yuck) but the people who post around here (apart from me - I was trying to be positive Em). Quit pointing fingers without having the temerity to reveal yourselves.

At 7:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. The GC will never quite be little old beautiful Adelaide to me either!

At 7:04 am, Blogger Denny Crane said...

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At 5:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow its incredible how much you sound like the engligh! (ie whinging poms that is)


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