

Reflection time here - reactions to equivocallyemma. People have commented, commended and criticised equivocallyemma since its inception. Today we reflect upon posts and personal opinions of individuals! Some are worthy of reflection and consideration, others are not.

In exordium: VictorfromOZ "... go back to study. I'm your father and furious. lauren had better get a life than to read your blog ."

Anonymous "... May the blog administrator be strong and leave the crap to fly into never, never land."

Big Brother :Jimmy The Fly "... Hi you sorry souls, i do not understand why you would be reading this, ...The government is now going to plan the country around my ...religion,income bracket and health needs ...As I said that I am a Jedi Night in the religion (optional) section, i am expecting new laws to be passed on personal privacy etc as i can now use my jedi mind tricks to make you do what i want, and just remember, I can mind read too. No bad thoughts, because I'll find you! And as far as health goes, the government will continue to have long waiting lists because they will continue to make it so difficult to live if you do not have private health cover. In addition to this CASA is the most over legislated and unnecessarily bureaucratic government body and thus is extremely inefficient. They make my life more difficult than it already is, however my life does have many upsides..." (i think he was referring to living with me)

Petro Georgiou doesn't sit on the fence : working hard for the money ... "so you're trying to say this is equivocally you...really. ....Come on you know you like to get down to the nitty gritty and tell people what you think...perhaps you are warming up...let's see something unequivocal!"


  • "...the blog is something else!! don't know whether it is the perfect excuse for procrastination from study or hugely useful - very entertaining none the less and a good reminder of you! - Lots of Love meg"
  • "Hey, love the blog." - Rebecca
  • "Hi Emma, I just followed a link from Drew's page to here and have just spent an hour reading your blog. Thanks for giving me something to do other than prepare for my tax tute."

  • "You need to spend more time on your essays" - a person who knows many, many talented lawyers and barristers, so I won't mention their name, for fear of potential retribution no matter how shallow my pockets!

  • "Hi there, That is brilliant and you are so sweet to go to all that effort." -Andrea. She was talking about this .
  • "You are a freak at times" - my sister Sarah
  • "hahhaahhaha......you gave in and copied me. I see...hahaha" - the person who banned me from their blog
  • "Fantastic!!!" -Diego

  • "Yay! I got a mention in the blog! I guess your tracker will also be able to tell you I just checked it out that's amazing, I never knew that was possible!!" - Anna Lyons

  • "From reading the blog briefly, I think the sooner you get out of Bond the better. Am thinking of you and will call as soon as I can." - My very intelligent friend who knows me too well. I miss them soo much!

  • "Em, I love you. This Blog spot is not only hysterical bubrilliant. Keep it up. Cheers, Lex ."
  • Anonymous ... Emma,are you not at law school. Did you transfer to blog school? Do some law work...i presume you are not assessed for your contributions to your blog, not matter how entertaining. I'm not sure what is worse, you being a bad influence on yourself, or providing a reason for other students not to complete the work. You want to give the university a reason to get rid of you...i can hear them now "nah didn't do my tut work, nah the dog didn't eat it, i was reading Emma's blog learned alot of interesting things but none really relate to this tut, sorry about that'

  • Sabrina ... "Just to clarify...I loved Australia especially Melbourne!! I just wasn't too impressed with the Gold Coast Cheers P.S.S. I miss you too Em!! Just do what I did...only go to school when you absolutely have to!!"
  • Anonymous said... "emma, quit being such a baby." three guess who this one was.

  • Here, I used a photograph that my sister took a long time ago. I did not credit to her. There was some running commentary regarding her poor spelling and the potential impact this may have on her academic career. Then she came out with this: "...if your crappy blog had spell checker then I would use it. You don't fail for bad spelling (we have ESL students) but you do fail for not referencing!!! And do you know that there has been an oxford study done that found that it doesn't matter what order you put the letters in as long as the first and last are the same you can understand it hmmmmm. I will find the reference for you." (I am still waiting on the reference.)

  • In regards to running commentary between my father here. Anonymous ... "you both have too much spare time!"

  • Jack Blackburn is threatening to sue me for defamation. I'm not to sure what he has been learning at law school. On so many levels this is hysterical. The following is the comment he posted. Some words and phrases have been removed. Thesen were inappropriate. All spelling and gramatical errors are his own. Nobody but Jack can take responsibility for his own spelling and grammar errors.
    “I feel it necessary to introduce my self, I am the Skuller, legend of Bond Uni and the Law School.…… I am a friend of both Gord Prisco and Brendan Donoghue, so i will be biased, i hear you have your reasons for disliking the 2 but refuse to announce them, what is wrong with transparency.From reading you latest posts my view is this. On the issue of the staff v student debate, Brendan and Gord are 2 funny and intellectual debaters, there cirteria is very high, Your idea of putting nervous shy people in front of a Bond Stock event . . . yeah some smart thinking there, i want the students to win this event though.Your a bit like myself, your a whinger….You say Melbourne and its unis is much better, then why not go back there, save us the onus of having to hear you drone. You have an arts degree, big deal, they are worthless, what did it show, i wasted my schooling on extra ciriculum activity.Stop being such a ….. we Bondies are great people, but you with your fancy taste in coffees and styles and the like really alienate your self from the general crowd.”

I imagine he is refering to the content of these posts: this, and this. However, he could be refering to the entire blog and I guess me. Oh well. Read the posts and consider this comment in context.


At 3:03 pm, Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

: )

At 4:41 pm, Blogger John Curtin said...

hehehhe bit of entertainment for us insomniacs!

At 11:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha hysterical - the jackblackburn bloke comments
"...we Bondies are great people, but you with your fancy taste in coffees and styles and the like really alienate your self from the general crowd.”

Does he realise how funny this is. Is he trying to be ironic. "Fancy taste and styles" - that would be Bond. "Alienating yourself from the general crowd", either suggesting Bond or the students there are the general crowd?" The general crowd of what - hysterical. I've had my weeks entertainment and possibly this will be my dining out story

At 12:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how he thinks he speaks for the general crowd and implies that they have the same taste as him.

When he talks of alienation from the crowd, perhaps he should look in a mirror.

At 2:25 am, Blogger Emma said...

Dad, I really have a problem with censorship. However, I have deleted some comments that are rude, racist, sexist and completely irrelevant to anything on this blog. People really abuse the system. I now consider all comments before they are posted. Hopefully, I can go back to the old system soon; where people can just leave messages and they do not require consideation! Yes, I am lucky I have you, sarah and james. Mum does read the blog - just not very often!

At 5:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Blackburn....here here...

At 7:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder she doesn't like it there. Why not try and show her a bit of fun rather than the exclusive rude and inconsiderate individuals you currently portray yourselves at. Who can blame her for not particularly enjoying it up there. Cruel unkind and nasty people unfortunately give a bad name to the majority who may be pretty cool. I've heard some of the stuff she puts up with up there- those people and those things are not very nice.


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