
today, tonight, tomorrow

Today I was privileged. My brother dropped by. We went for a swim, well actually he went for a dip. It was a little too windy and late in the afternoon for much me. Then coffee and cake - his treat (your right he's a catch, but he's taken.) We also had M&Ms, not a small packet -a really big one. I am now on a self-imposed junk food ban, for as long as I can stand it.

Today, I also spoke to my lovely friend Georgia Hill-Douglas. She is pretty sick so has gone home so her parents can look after her. I hope she gets better very soon. H-D, as I affectionately refer to her sometimes, is an air-hostess. What she does sometimes sounds tough. The hours, the driving, the customers and well
Avalon sums everything else up. I had to drive to Avalon to pick up some Canadians once. I had told one of these Canadians numerous times never fly to Avalon it's miles away and half way to Geelong. He didn't listen. Avalon is close to the Barwon Prison. This has a maximum security wing. As the Canadian didn't listen to me I made the trip, but I had my door locked for fear of potential escapees. The Canadians flew back out of Tullamarine. They missed their plane. It was all my fault. I will feel guilty about this for a long, long time. As a consolation I gave them the keys to 'the Car ,' so they could use it when back in Qld. That didn't make up for the missed flight, but hopefully it was seen as a friendly gesture.

Tonight, fine dining: Erin (the flatmate) and the brother sat back and relaxed while I cooked dinner. I don't think consuming dinner was as relaxing. Red Thai Curry. What can I say, I love the smell of curry paste in the pan...Sometimes I get a little carried away. I thought it was alright. They both said it was great, however, consumed entire glasses of milk. I hope they were honest.

Tonight featuring on the television was:
Operatunity Oz. No, this is in no way comparable to, or does it slightly resemble, Australian Idol. It's a pity candidates from Operatunity Oz were not asked to sing at the Grand Final, rather g those people from Idol took the liberty to massacre Australia's 'unofficial' national anthem.

Tomorrow, it's down to business. I've got a few things that must be done. I also have University. Fun Fun. I also need to sort out the whole student ball dilemma. But I might procrastinate and put that off for a day or two. I also have a couple of work (ie money earning potential) things to see to. Oh,and some where along the line, whether it be tonight, tomorrow or the next day I have to workout something to wear to this Canadian celebration of Halloween, organised by the CLSA. Erin invited my brother. He responded with my standard response: Halloween, what's Halloween? (I taught him well.) We didn't celebrate this when we were young. I'm not sure if it was the lolly thing. From memory it had something to do with the fact it was an American tradition. Well I figure now that I choose not to celebrate Australia day I may as well go to a Halloween celebration. Whether I actually do the costume thing is an entirely different matter.

Tomorrow I imagine I may also continue to avoid law work because of the great book I am reading. Or perhaps I will attempt to strike a happy medium between the two. The book is great. The author has devised all these new words! very clever! I am enjoying the text.

Tomorrow, I, like the rest of Bond will also be launching into Bondstock! Make sure you turn up to some of the events! Access the program here: http://www.bondstudents.com.au/files/BONDSTOCK%20program.pdf

Not tomorrow but the next day my sister is off to a conference in Perth, Western Australia . This is one of my Dad's favorite places. I can not reveal the rest of thembecause he doesn't like people knowing about them. People go, and more people go and they become popular and then he doesn't like them anymore. My sister is presenting a paper at the conference. She has told me a few times what it is about, but I can't remember. She is very smart and a fantastic lecturer, as her students have informed me numerous times. Dr Fiona Wood is also speaking. The conference will be held in Fremantle. The maritime Museum there is fantastic. The Fremantle Prison is also interesting, from both historical, social and design perspectives. There is also an amazing fish and chips shop there. Can't recall it's name. If it's a clear day you can see all the way to Rottnest Island. If it's a clear day it also means you wont barf on the ferry to Rottnest. I've done calm and not so calm days on that ferry. Hopefully Sarah will have time to drop into see the Andersons and Dor. I can here it now 'Uncle Charlie, Uncle Charlie, Uncle Charlie..." I imagine she will also make a trip to Cottesloe for a dip. The sharks better leave her alone, or I'll deal with them.

Lately I've had some interesting and insightful comments on the blog. Hopefully, you are finding it, entertaining, informative, slightly eccentric or completely bizarre. That's okay, I think. Nonetheless, some of the posts left by individuals have been deleted. I would prefer not to do this. However, I can't stand racism, sexism, rudeness or crass comments. I don't think swearing is required. Pick up a thesaurus, I am sure you will locate plenty of alternative words. I am also aware that family, friends, and acquaintances drop by from time to time. Presumably I have a huge amount of respect, interest and value for many of them. I don't believe they should be subjected to unpalatable commentary. Further, my internship in Parliament was my active engagement with politics. I plan to stick with policy and the Department of Premier and Cabinet from the time being. While I do have opinions when it comes to many things, I don't care to engage in Student Politics, apart from saying it would have been nice to see some environmental policies referred to by some of the candidates running. Please don't use my blog to discuss such issues as I believe there are more than enough adequate places to do this and plenty of other more than capable people to encourage and facilitate active debate.


At 11:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emma, do some work! The academic type that is.

At 1:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 2:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Emma,
I just followed a link from Drew's page to here and have just spent an hour reading your blog.
Thanks for giving me something to do other than prepare for my tax tute.

At 9:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emma,are you not at law school. Did you transfer to blog school? Do some law work...i presume you are not assessed for your contributions to your blog, not matter how entertaining.

I'm not sure what is worse you being a bad influence on yourself, or providing a reason for other students not to complete the work. You want to give the university a reason to get rid of you...i can hear them now "nah didn't do my tut work, nah the dog didn't eat it, i was reading Emma's blog' learn't a lot of interesting things but none really relate to this tut, sorry about that'


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