
Melbourne bound

-1. Back in town. After arriving on Saturday night, with two Canadians in tow, I am attempting to calm Christmas mayhem while simultaneously placing myself in the middle of every possible rush hour.
-1. These Canadians had a whirlwind and rather bizarre time in Melbourne. to surmise (in a nutshell yuk that reminds me of supportive aids for studying that are more superficial that Toorak road on a Saturday):
-1. Dad picked us up from Tullamarine (the flight down was good and we had the luck to fly with a recently graduated Anna Balmer!) He then informed as that it was imperative to listen to the Ashes the entire way home.
-1. We stopped to observe the kangaroos at Kangaroo ground. They tend to congregate here because there natural habitat has been replaced with vineyards. The always look pretty bored sitting in a lonely paddock.
-1. Then it was dinner and a viewing of the Castle. T
-1. he following day was a very quick scenic tour of Healesville (around the rail, up to the lookout of the Maroondah dam, past the frog bog and a short drive through the Black Spur Rainforest where both guests were happy to see tall tress again), lunch at the Cheese freaks bookshop, followed by Carols at the local church. Very interesting. To top Sunday off we headed off on the mandatory Hideout walk. Two wallabies were sited in the first 5 minutes and Tannis was given the opportunity to compare my Kookaburra impersonations with the real thing.
-1. Monday morning it was off to Melbourne and a coffee at Marios, a peruse through Smiggle, and a walk past Readings and Haighs then a brief set of instructions as to how to reach Tullamarine airport and purchase a train ticket.
-1. I've have not been in Melbourne for about a month. The change is disturbing. It's yellow and brown and greenery is markedly absent. The ovals have a slight covering of dry yellow grass but the short step between this and dust bowls is not far.
-1. I could possibly have one of the best brother's in the world. Despite, my outbursts and frustrations at the child, when you do need him and everyone is far too busy and important to offer to help, well you have to appreciate family. I've always had people to pitch in Melbourne when I move. It's one of those things that you don't ask, sometimes people offer but in the case of my friends they just turn up and demand something to do. I think every move in Queensland has been done solo, with the exception of one of my gorgeous room mates Jem, who took numerous car load packed boxes and had a similar approach to cleaning as myself and Dave who flexed his muscles to move boxes (I do wonder whether this was more to show his muscles off to the exchange students, rather than helping me but as usually I’ll overlook that one.) I was stuck on Saturday. After finishing a very long and emotionally draining exam, I had a great deal of packing, cleaning and moving still to complete (moving and taking an exam on the day you fly out probably isn't the best idea.) I put in an SOS to my lovely brother who turned up at eight thirty and help me until six. I am so grateful. It's nice to know that at the end of the day there is someone I can rely on, all 6"5 of the prodigal child who was such a cute kid.
-1. Melbourne is madness, I have breakfast, coffee, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, drinks and supper planned for the next two weeks. I need a break.
Hope exams went well and that those 10,000 Canadians from the law school who are heading home for the break had a safe flight! Think of me at that party! I wish I was there, alas arriving in Melbourne via a detour to Canada wasn't feasible (this time.)
