
Did you know

Before I need to tell a Canadian law student to turn the attitude down a few decibels...or think of some half baked come back line (my poor attempt at humour) ....as they inform me how fantastic, inventive and creative their country is...did you realise Canadians discovered, invented, produce and manufacture everything....they also have the answer to everything else (including world peace - they are just working on the patent )

(and I don't know why I didn't think of this in the first place...probably because it has been beaten into me, that I now voluntarily submit it just goes without saying....but some of my Australian readers might not know....) Daffodil Day is in fact the brain child of The Canadian Cancer Society. Some time in the early 1980s some bright spark came up with the idea. I probably should just say a Canadian - the bright spark part would automatically be implied. Australia was too busy working out how to win the America's Cup. Now cancer charities in seven western countries use this concept to raise money for cancer. Perhaps Canada might give Australia some ideas on how they could bring that America's Cup back to the land-down under

I wonder if they have the Daffodil Ball?...this was always an absolute blast! more on that later....


The world today

The top ten (of my world)
1. Daffodil Day tomorrow has resulted in demand for this spring flower increasing 15 fold in the past week. Hopefully the demand driving prices will benefit those for whom daffodil day supports.
Make sure you support the Cancer Council of Australia by purchasing your daffodil merchandise. With Cancer affecting 1 in 3 Australians if someone you know hasn't had it, died from it, or been touched by its effects this will probably happen in the next 3 years (my estimation) so you should do something. Remember, while every little bit counts here big is probably going to be better.

2. DEVASTATING....One of these has opened in Glennferrie Road, Hawthorn. How, when and why did this happen? I am surprised my Father hasn't been ranting, raving and foaming at the mouth about multi-national corporations, mac mansions and the destruction of the world. Perhaps he is living in denial. This is probably a good idea - two heart attacks are sufficient.
But who would really go there when you can go to Mario's Coffee & Candy. I probably shouldn't refer to these places in the same paragraph. My Dad attendence at 'Mario's' is akin to cult following. Basically he goes daily. My sister, brother, Mother and I also frequent this place. Our friends go there. If anyone we know goes to the 'other place' they would be neither considered 'a friend' and if family would be disowned or expelled.
I think it's plausible to argue Dad's weekly Mario's allowance should increase, ensuring he contributes to this thriving business and prevents corporate expansions. One of the fantastic barristas there (May) seems to be on my wave length supporting my 'treat' and coffee habit.
Anyone going past Mario's should grab a coffee. People come from far and wide. Our friends the Schwarz's come all the way from Singapore to go there. It's fantastic.
Swinburne students get a significant discount .... coffee for $2.50 .... at prices like that it takes you back to last century.

3. Today i decided I might apply for articles at this law firm: Slimdonson & Associates . It sounds like a great, energetic and fast paced place to work. It's a high profile international firm. Many thanks go to those at the Bar for bringing this to my attention. I might have difficulty getting my foot in the door. Hopefully, that fantastic reference I obtained from the person who brought this Firm to my attention will bolster my application.
If fortunate to secure a position at this firm I anticipate creating a unique position. People at the firm may go so far as to call me an entrepreneur and to reward me for this development by way of a nice Christmas bonus (financial.) It seems there are many positions for competent, intelligent women. Unfortunately, my friend heard on the grape-vine that it is having difficulties retaining intelligent female workers. Nonetheless, they are pro-actively attempting to curtail this trend.
It's nice to know that other people (well besides me, my parents and my sister - who i owe money to) are interested and involved in my career beyond law school. My brother isn't interested in much beyond flying, aeroplanes and his girlfriend.
One of these individuals has provided sound advice on various occasions. They are especially useful identifing potential places of employment. I imagine the focus statement of this firm was why they thought it would be a great place for an enthusiastic young lawyer. While, I am sure this Partner contributes to the firm, as does this Associate , it's not really the career path I have in mind.
Although I am happy to start at the bottom and work my way up hopefully i can do better than this , this and this . If I successfully obtain a position at this firm I think it would be best to apply for a transfer to this office. I'll keep you notified as to how my application progresses.

4. Apparently, the Chief Justice down in Victoria was rather scathing of male lawyers utilising the media anonymously to criticise women. She also spoke about Victorian Women Lawyers. She is a patron of this group. Don't think I will join. That said, each to their own. If I have that much spare time on my hands i might see if my demanding sister and her boyfriend required my services for further domestic duties (I haven't quite got the courage to tell them a maid might me a better option than a sister.) I wonder whether my friend who expressed interest in my future career would suggest I joined this group. Moreover, I wonder whether they would think the employees of the the firm mentioned previously would be advised to join, or not?

5. Sue Crennan's appointment to the High Court is evidence that women can, and do, make a significant contribution to the Australian Legal System. No argument there...just google her to find out what would feature on her CV (more than a book.)

6. Planes keep falling out the sky (refer to previous posts on this.) What is going on? Read about this here.

7. The annual Ernie Award for the most sexist comments went to P&O Cruises and Tom Cruise. Interesting.

8. On the homefront, due to car-sickness, I have been avoiding the bush hide-out. Instead I have taken up residence at the Apartment. Unfortunately this apartment isn't a 'basement apartment.' I am working on this but also working on the addition of a loft bed and mezzanine level for when I take it over. Adverse possession....Perhaps?
My father draws out of the Apartment. He is creative. It appears that in order to be creative one may not have an organised, clean and uncluttered work-space. I imagine this would inhibit creativity.
I am doing a little cleaning...don't panic Dad just benches, dishes and attempting to do floors. The broom is missing. I wonder how Mum get's around without it. This is her main mode of transportation. Perhaps she has an up-graded model and doesn't keep it in the house. I will look outside tomorrow.

9. Stem cell research has been picked up in the headlines. This is obviously controversial .

NEWS FLASH!!! NEWS FLASH!!! NEWS FLASH - Australian Womens 4 X win heat at World Championships. Proceed through to A final. My lovely friend Cait is rowing in this boat. Cait is an amazing athlete and a priceless friend. Best of luck and cross absolutely everything for her and her crew for the final. Follow the live results and commentary here. Of course I'll keep you up-dated.

10. It's my holiday task to work out how my dad's Alain Filberstein watch actually works. This is a motion watch. It requires no batteries rather motion powers it. I have a friend in Queensland who needs a motion watch. His batteries require constant replacement. He also needs a more effective watch band as the pin frequently falls out of his. I wouldn't dare suggest it's probably because things are poorly made in North America.


Stan Marks

Give credit where credit is due.

Congradulations goes to
Chris Barrett of Collins Simms for taking home the Stan Marks award for 2005. My Mum won this a few years ago. She entered real estate late in life. Chris was earning a living selling houses when I started my under-graduate degree. He is still doing this while I am struggling at law school. Pretty impressive winning this award.


Arrived safely.

Feet very very sore. Aching and throbbing. Today notably better (3 days later).

Sydney...walking..exhuasting...spectacular...shopping...expensive....well compared to prices in china...mad drivers...great eye candy (especially suits on Monday morning)...lovely hotel...biggest Westfield in the southern hemisphere...sore feet...amazing fish and chips...Icebergs!!!

Highlights ...
1. Swimming pool at Bondi
2. Bondi
3. Harbour Bridge, Opera House Ferry from Rose bay to Circular Quay
4. Italian waiters conversation in Italian oblivious to Sabrina's grasp of this language...yes they were checking her out (this is not unusual)
5. Dinner Doyles Circular Quay
6. Beds (especially pillows) at Sir Stamford Hotel- where we stayed

Potential catastrophes ...
1. Possibly run over 7 times
2. Ferry taking off two remaining passengers (us) ....solution jump?
3. Having to pay $15.60 to access 'in house movie' (ridiculous)
4. Retribution from Dave Lucenti if gift not appreciated and received with grace
5. My navigation skills
6. Sleeping through alarm when required to catch an early morning Jetstar flight

Could have been, should have been would have been better .....
1. Access to food!
2. Our stamina when it came to shopping
3. Being tempted by in house movies....only to find out the cost to watch one
4. Sydney shopping in general...they say it's the best but equal with Melbourne
5. Find me a market in Australia that differs to the market you went to last week/month/year/decade
6. Sore feet...utter exhaustion

...more to follow inluding
g photos.....need to regroup ...