

Unfortunately, it seems we don't learn from the mistakes of the past. Although they say that 'history never repeats,' 'The Second Coming' by A.B Yates seems as applicable to world politics today, as it was when he wrote it 1921.

'The Second Coming'

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of "Spiritus Mundi"
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

For some light hearted relief, my Mum used to read this to me when I was little. It use to scare me, especially because we lived adjacent to a park.

I have also been a fan of Lewis Carroll, especially the
jabberwocky. (I think that scared me too.)


Weekly Wrap Up

Time for the weekly wrap at equivocally emma. Haven't done one yet and might not again. Shall see.

1. If you feel like reading the paper this weekend the financial review has an interesting article about Gunns and its criticisms of those who are critical of the logging going on in Tasmania. These include, members of the Green Party, Green Peace, and the WWF. There is also a photo of my friend's Dad. My friend does some interesting work, I am looking forward to reading a particular judgment they told me about.

2. This week saw the addition of the new site tracking device. Apparently people in Western Australia, Turkey, Prince Edward Island (Canada), Toronto, England, Poland, India, New Hampshire (USA), Portugal, Malaysia and the Northern Territory dropped in. I don't think I know any people in any of these these places, so I am intrigued.

3. The task for next week is categorising the blog, so posts can fall under labels.

4. I also have some new readers, that I am aware of - they left comments. Jess Leach dropped by, John Curtin put in a lovely post, Mark and Diego also had a gawk. So hello there and hope all is well. Oh also, apparently Brendan Donoghue also read the blog. He didn't like Erin's top ten, something about blokes would never put that up. Well Brendan Erin and are not 'blokes' in fact we are female. More people liked it than hated it. It will be back and it would be nice if people told me what they thought themselves, rather than telling Erin.

5. Tannis was at the Australian University Games. She arrived back on the Gold Coast with a huge gash in her knee and an even bigger stash of medals. She played volley ball and is obviously a star.

6. My sources inform me that last night Dons and Club 20 were entertaining.

7. Yesterday was Ilana's birthday. She is from Canada, yes I know a lot of people at the law school are. I had a great time with her down in Melbourne. She had dinner and then went Ten Pin Bowling. Her lovely friend Meghan helped organise the masses. Unfortunately, I didn't make it. I wasn't feeling great. I hope she had a fantastic night and got to wear that divine Alannah Hill outfit we found in Melbourne. I will have to make a trip down to the Inkerman Rd Bakery for her and bring some supplies back.

8. Earlier in the week I read this article. I wonder how someone could pull it off. I seen people after running one marathon? As I asked my Dad what drugs would someone have to take to do this. This was his response:
Em, sounds like he is a shuffler, if he is taking 6 hours or so, in which case it is a great endeavors but he is using the license of marathon runner a little loosely. Compare with the Greek runner, Y something in his Sydney to Melbourne run.....

9. Peter Norman an amazing Australian runner passed away this week. Read about this here ,here and here. If you don't have time he was an amazing Australian because his Australian record still stands today. He is also remembered for the role he played, or let those agitating for civil rights play, at the Mexico Olympics. Being a keen runner and rather knowledgeable in this area Dad wrote:
"... Read about Peter Norman this morning, age 64 what a shame death claimed him so early. His 200 record still stands as the open record, his silver medal fantastic and beaten by the best 200m runner of all time Tommy Smith a hero since my school days. If i recollect properly when coming down the finish line his stride lengthened out to some enormous distance so he was going faster by striding further at the same tempo and hey presto he achieved a world record. So Peter Norman accomplishment tends to get overlooked by Ralph Doubell's gold medal in the 800, but it should almost be on the same pedestal and not lost in time. It was an incredible time with the civil rights movement in the USA, South Africa, the Beatles and Bob Dylan, the times are a'changin. And your old man was a middle distance runner, age 21, and should have pursued it a bit harder and come to Melbourne then, of course you can't change what has happened, build a bridge and live for the now Cheers DAD.

Writer for the Age, Allan Attwood wrote a rather moving piece on the intermingling of politics and sport. Read this here. This took me back to Jim Corkery's first lecturer in Sports law, three weeks ago. In a country such as Australia sport will always be political. Sports writer, Len Johnson, also wrote this fitting tribute.

10. Next week is Bondstock - in case you didn't know - it culminates with the Student Ball. This is held on the Saturday evening. On friday an old favorite of Bond is returning. Given the presence of this individual and the fact I've never been to the Ball I'm going. This Cinderella needs a fairy god-mother and fast!
11. Lately I've been following this site, and the programme linked to it. Given that my book adviser, Caro, lives in Melbourne, this is a handy thing to watch in Qld.
signing off for this evening - emma

The good, the bad and the down right unfair - take two

It's back by popular demand.

I removed this post. I thought perhaps it was too negative. I really couldn't be bothered dealing with the back-lash, or the need to be accountable to people who are really only accountable to themselves at the end of the day. However, today I receive the 4th comment saying that this post was their favorite and where had it gone. They also thought it was rather on point.

But before ......While Brendan Donoghue told me to leave and go back to Melbourne, I hope not everyone thinks this way. He seems to think I whine, complain and argue. Also that I'm really loud. Bizarre.

I think learning, evolving, thinking and developing are all integral components of the learning process. There are many ways this can be done. Looking at how thing work elsewhere and taking the good from this is a beneficial exercise. As is constructively criticising and reviewing what you already have. You can always learn more, you can always do better, or worse. By illustration; if you are are rower and you don't listen to what your coach says, or the other people in boat, your not going to get any better. However, if there is an active and constructive two-way dialogue, your rowing will get better, the people in the boat may indirectly benefit, and the boat will go faster.

I was rather disappointed today to learn that the candidates for the Staff v Student debate are
Brendan Donoghue, Jodie and Gordon. NOT because these people wont do a great job, rather because I think there are some fantastic people leaving the law school this semester. They have never done anything like this thus it would have been good to see them in action before they leave. Alternatively, what about people we don't see that much and those who are a bit quieter.

I always thought that one of the advantages of a small university would be that people who were shy, quiet, introverted, sometimes under-confident or studious would be encouraged and given confidence. An opportunity like this perfect, you never know if the next Andrew Denton is the one sitting in the back row falling asleep and not interacting in tutorials because they can't be bothered or don't feel confident enough to do this. People in their final semester could include Dave Lucenti, Paul Blyschak, Mark or Kristin Danielson, Andy (despite his perception of the 'Australian language,') or one of the Canadian girls. If that doesn't provide enough variety what about Roxy, John Downie, Anna Balmer, Sammy Marash, Louise Tillet, Della, James Boyers (if he is still around), Ash or the mysterious 'Drew' (an absolute champion, who does a fantastic job at remaining objective about student elections, but this would have to be done through a third person)...If we still needed to search further consider; Grady, Amy, Rachel or Sammy Cochrane. We here they are great mooters but never see them in action.

My point is there are a lot of people out there, some that would have given an evening such as this a bit more variety and diversity.

Don't see this as a criticism of the people who are appearing. It's is just that I see them and especially in the cases of Brendan and Gordon, I get told what they think, believe and do most days. They have a monopoly on the law school. Oh well, I guess it will continue.

What about some new faces on the staff team as well, Jim Corkery, Amanda Coulthard, Glenda, John Wade, Lizzie Greene or Anthea Gerrard. But I do note that I am looking forward to the appearance of Duncan!


Here is the post returned after numerous requests! If you don't like it take a leaf out of my sisters book: build a bridge and get over it! Just remember that bridges and fuel supplies are normally the first targets in war. This doesn't really have much to do with anything, but I've been thinking about this lately because of the book I've been reading which is based in France, during the German occupation in WWII......

I guess you could say I was delaying the inevitable. This has also been the case with this post. I have delayed posting it because I haven't had anything particularly good to say. I wish I hadn't arrived back at all. However, after two years of trying to convince everyone in Melbourne that Bond really was a bad idea and that I should have a semester, or a few, off, i admitted defeat, hung up my hat and tried to get on with my degree. Easy to say, harder to do. Exactly why, I don't really like it here I'm not sure. Perhaps my friend Sabrina could help clarify, if she hadn't gone home to Canada. Hey, I don't blame her. I missed the first week of classes. I have caught up on these. I also missed 'Drink the Pub Dry,' 'Pub Crawl' and 'Race Day,' and I am sure many other occasions created to justify the consumption of copious amounts of alcohol. I have heard all I need to about these. Don't worry for those of you reading this who are not familiar with Bond, I have Palaver, numerous Club 20s and Empires and I would presume a few infamous house parties still to come?Palaver should be okay,providing I get a ticket. I'll go because that's what you do. Hopefully, nobody will be unkind and make harsh and unkind comments(I wish.) I'll update you. I am sure I can predict what these will be and who will make them and I haven't even gone. I don't know why I even bother going. The house party sounds exciting. Perhaps I can bring some rough blokes with a five o'clock shadow to please a particular person. Classes have commenced and already I feel dumber than when I commenced my studies. Oh well.
1. I finish in two or three semesters
2. I am going to Noosa to catch up with my friend Meg. She invited me.
3. I am going home to Melbourne at least twice
4. I get to go to Healesville the moment I finish my exams.
5. While there are some horrific people here there are also some great ones, such as the lovely Steph Campi who has offered to lend me the books for one of my subjects, also Tori and Cait who are my family up here, oh and a few other people.
6. I get to plan a trip to Kangaroo Island (one day) to go and stay with the lovely Martin Family.
7. The beaches and weather are great. Byron is only 45 minutes away.
8. I get to hide behind this blog and forget about the world my doona is also good for this.
9. Jim Corkery is one of my favorite lecturers. He is lecturing a subject I am taking.
10. I don't have to deal with my family unless I wish
11. I have a very cosy bed, a very clean and organised apartment, a lovely mohair blanket and a fantastic flatmate.
12. Little Beans and 'I hate my skirt'
1. People here are superficial, only interested in themselves and are intent on social climbing (I've never understood this one but I've seen it happen.)
2. I have exams of two-hours duration. I would prefer 5 hours rather than 2.
3. My computer is a relic from the dark ages.
4. Despite having a sound secondary education, and strong marks in my Arts Degree Bond still think I don't know how to write an essay, nor can I tell the difference between cite, sight and site, or there, their and they're. Nor do they think I have a grasp of 'Contemporary Issues in Law and Society' (this should really be called issues from last century and readings you've probably done before that have been published in America.) Further, it is necessary for me to undertake Strategic Management as this will definitely make me more employable. As will the ability to turn on and turn off a computer and use word and excel. Sorry Mum and Dad I know you thought all that money you shelled out for that education was for my own good, the people here at Bond don't give much regard to what I learned in grade 3 and 4 English and grammar classes, nor in boring Information Technology Classes that were compulsory from year 5 until year 11. Perhaps they will give me some credit for those Margaret Attwood texts that were shoved down our throats.
5. Apparently I am an annoying, pathetic excuse for a human being who never should have come to Queensland, Bond, or studied Law or made any friends at all. I shouldn't have bothered talking to people in the law school. This is because I am a very boring person, they are not. In fact they are so interesting and popular they can dictate when you may speak to them, when you may send an email, ask a question etc. Further, I never should have tried to be kind or care about other people, god forbid to actually be interested in what they do with their daily lives beyond purchase shoes. This includes, but is not exclusive to, worrying about people who are sick, who have injured themselves, expressed any interest in any part of their life beyond that which I have been permitted to inquire about. However if they wish to borrow pens, text books, have a lift somewhere, borrow my car or have me pick them up something I should respond without question, otherwise I'm not a very nice person. A tough line to toe..Yes, believe me. If I could borrow Harry Potter's invisibility cloak I would.
6. When it rains on the Gold Coast it really rains. The Beattie Government has major issues, actually so does the entire political structure of Queensland politics.
7. There is no Marios Coffee and Candy, there is no Macro Wholefoods, there is no Grilled, no Chois, no Brunswick or Lygon Street. No Healesville Hotel, or railway and nothing quite like Leos.
8. I don't get to see Lex before she leaves for London
9. My friend Georgia Hill Douglas frequently flys to the Gold Coast. She has a twenty minute turn around so I don't get to see her.
1. If some people complain a lot at this university they get what they want. This also applies if you hang out with the right people. (I would make an effort to ignore these people and pay attention to the quieter ones.)
2. There doesn't seem to be a consistent marking scheme that is clear and made easily accessible to the student body. I don't understand why this isn't possible. However, I could provide some suggestions. When at Melbourne Uni I was disgruntled that the 2nd year average had to fall at 72% and the 3rd year at 73%. There was also a limitation put on HD and a guideline as to Credits, and Distinctions (H2a) and (H2b). Also there were a specified number of passes to be awarded. This made it very difficult to gain a HD (over 80%) but when you did you knew you had definitely done some good work. Tutorial marks were never disclosed (I guess it was assumed we should have faith in the assessment abilities of our tutor). They were never worth more than 10%. Also, all HD papers were marked twice as were all fails. This was stated in a document accessible at the front of the counter for the relevant faculty. I thought this was harsh at the time, but at least I knew where I stood. I think it would be good if Bond was more transparent like this.
3. If I drive to Uni I have to park so far away from the law school (which I don't at the moment, as I don't have a car) I may as well walk. The short walk and drive to Uni I thought would be an advantage of a private uni. No no no. This is no shorter than walking from the back of the Monash (I don't have a parking permit) car-park across Blackburn Road to the Ming Wing, or from the cheap parking spots at the Cemetery adjacent to Melbourne Uni, through a college across south lawn to the John Medley Building.
4. Some building is going on adjacent to the law school. I imagine my fees have contributed in some way to this construction. A new legal skills centre is being built. I wonder if the Centre will be the same as being charged for the legal skills subject which is made up of assessments marked as compulsory parts of the subjects that are required for admission. I didn't realise how lucky I was when I signed up for Law here, fancy getting one subject for the price of two! Perhaps I'm too harsh.
5. The LSA are doing a great deal of positive work but they are so quick to defend themselves they don't realise that you are actually complementing not criticising them. I think it's unfair that the LSA have been reduced to this. Why?There are other students at Bond constantly telling the LSA how and what they should do or criticizing what they have or haven't done. A note to those people: 'if you want something done you have to do it yourself.'
6. The book that is mandatory for IT 2 is not available in the bookshop. It has been sold out. There are also no copies available in the reserve section of the main library.
7. Numerous people made a huge commotion about the opening and closing hours of the library. The complained and moaned and got what they want. I feel a bit sorry for the library staff who open the library now at 8 am rather than 8.30 and for whoever is footing the bill to pay the salaries for those who work the extra hours. The number of times I have walked past the library ,or entered it, between eight and nine I have been able to count the number of students and staff on one hand.

apologies for any harsh generalisations made


Well I never....

Well I had never heard of a Shotgun Shack until today. Shotguns and shotgun weddings I was aware of. A shotgun shack is also referred to as a shotgun house/cottage or railroad apartments.

initially developed in the Southern states of the USA (post Civil War) as popular housing, by the 1950s this type of housing stood a symbol of poverty in American society. Predominately located in New Orleans, such structures can still be sighted in Chicago and California. Today such houses provide contention as to whether they should be retained and maintained as cultural heritage, or should be dismantled to make way for development.

I imagine this housing was similar to the now highly sought after single fronted Victorian housing that characterised the slums of Melbourne during the early 1900s. Moreover, like single fronted Victorians had larger relatives described as double fronted Victorians, Shotgun Shacks also developed other versions, the 'double-barrel' and 'camel back.'

The term "shotgun" was derived from the saying that one could fire a shot through the front door and the bullets would fly cleanly through the house and out the back door. Conversely, there is also an argument that names origin may be reflective of possible
African architectural heritage. Interesting.....

The things we learn.

I'm Excited

I'm excited! Why? I'm excited because I think more of these are on the way. Reese's are out of this world.

I'm also excited as the honorary house mate turned up with
gummy bears. I'd almost forgotten how good these were. I think I will have to ask Cait to bring some of these back from Germany. Perhaps she would like to take a little trip to Belgium .....chocolate.....mmm .

Tomorrow I think I will be excited because of the limitless world that is wikipedia. This is exciting.


Erin's top 10

Welcome to what might be a regular feature, or a once only.

Erin is my flat mate at unit 1. We also have an honorary flatmate, her boyfriend Mark. She (with his assistance and my editing skills) compiled a list of the top 10 reasons why she enjoys living with me (odd, I know) ...... This was her idea, not mine

1. I now have at my disposal my very own
Melbourne Tour Guide (happy to take me shopping, dining at 15 and to the Melbourne Museum where I can see the first coffee machine brought to Australia by the Italians.)
2. Jamie Oliver +Martha Stuart= Emma. She possesses the ability to concoct Salad dressing, whipping it up in a mere moment with the ease of a Chef (I didn't have the heart to tell her that it's much better not whipped up in 'a mere moment' rather left so the flavor has time to develop.)
3. Emma's refined research skills, when it comes to legal and personal matters, should not be under-estimated.
4. She is willing to take the blame for my lack of self control - the snack basket will be my pudgy demise.
5. She has introduced me to the world of Australian cleaning products, specifically
Napisan (oxy action plus) and the Cinderella range.
6. She makes a mean coffee in the wee hours (ie 8am)(that would be 'early' according to Erin.)
7. Her mean sandwich making machine (marinated fetta, spinach, tuna, tomato, pesto, sundered tomatoes....and whatever else is around)is an all important white good in the unit
9. She shares(or perhaps I should say indulges) my need to stay up to date with the enthralling and absolutely scandalous news concerning the world's most 'important and influential people;' those who are famous. (movie stars and all those other sort of 'very interesting' opinionated and significant individuals! yes really)
10. Being blessed by Emma's presence each day. (I think she was running out of points)


  • Next week at Bond is Bondstock. Basically a very hectic week with many events. Too many to attend them all. So far, I have decided I will attend the Art Exhibition, The Revue, The Law Staff v Student Debate and perhaps the Student Ball.
  • My friend Cait is staying in Germany for a while. She wont be home for Christmas. I'll miss her. She is much happier there so that's good. Her and Robert have moved into the Rowing Club. I am awaiting photos and an email when it snows. Now that she knows how to use MSN, I'll be able to talk to her lots.
  • I went here before the renovation. I didn't think a renovation was required. I thought it was lovely. My Mum took me last year. I hadn't been very well. She took the day of work and we walked the dogs along the river and then had lunch. Apparently, it's better now, but I think if it ain't broke don't fix it.
  • On the weekend I discovered a great website. Matt and Nat are from Montreal and use vegan leather. My cousin Kate would probably appreciate it. Some of their pieces are great. I'm eyeing off a green bag, but not purchasing!
  • The weather here is very average at the moment. It's time it improved.
  • Student elections are being held at Bond. I agreed with many members of the current student council that tee-shirts, campaign posts and other things that cost money and are used to generate publicity should not be permitted. If people really want to spend money then they could donate it to the student council, regardless of whether or not they win the election. I think items such as these turn elections into a bigger popularity contest than they already are. I would also prefer if people were elected because of what they had to say, rather than what they are wearing and who is sponsoring their campaign. Why? With the introduction of VSU in Australia (which I think is disgusting, but wont go into why i disapprove here) student councils really need to focus on how to do something spending nothing. If all candidates were told to get up at 6 am stand outside the student council in a plain white teeshirt and then tell us how they would encourage people to pay their $88/semester and then implement a recycling program, I think it would be fairer.
  • The current student council have done a fantastic job, and deserve a huge congratulations, that's each and every one of them. There are not many people running for the incoming student council, but quality is better than quantity.
  • Aside from those above points I don't think I really care to mention the student elections again. I guess I might tell you who won.
  • Currently, in the law school, we have to nominate a teacher/tutor whom we think is fantastic. I've nominated Lizzie Greene . Hopefully others think she is as good as I do. Lizzie has tutored me for Crim A, Crim B and Land. She would be my favorite tutor by far. (Jim Corkery is my favorite lecturer.)
  • It's now two weeks until I get to go south to Mexico and :
  1. replenish my Haighs hot chocolate (where did this all go? James?)
  2. Go to my baby brothers 21st at the basement apartment (providing he admits he knows the house rat that devoured the hot chocolate.)
  3. Go to Marios and have coffee with Dad (I can also get some beans so I can smuggle them back to the north.)

Can anybody hear me?

Sometimes it’s comfortable writing this blog, thinking nobody really reads it. They have better things to do, other sources of information that are more reliable and informative they can mull over. I mean why read this when the variety, gossip and controversy makes other blogs far more interesting? I thought the publicity campaign I undertook for a time generated some interest but with few people posting comments I was content to create my own amusement.

While I am aware my Dad reads this religiously, I have in fact threatened to delete some of his comments, but yet to act, and my sister pops by time to time - basically to accuse me of plagiarism and to justify her poor spelling -I didn’t think anyone else bothered or people were just off doing bigger and better things. No problem with this.

Obviously I was somewhat deluded. After calling my friend Anna and profusely apologising for not having seen her while in Melbourne, she responded “don’t worry I catch up with you ever day. I read your blog.” Then, back at Bond I was walking past my friend Ash who said “your blogs fantastic. I love it.” There have been other times that people have revealed they too are frequenting this.

Partly because I was bored and partly because I have adopted some new lifestyles changes, I have attached what is called a site tracker. One of my new lifestyle things is to do something new every week. I have to learn something new in the computer/internet world. I have to learn something new and interesting about the law read and a new case. I try to read a new book, or re-visit an old one (the philosophy behind re-visiting is that you always get something different out of it so it is possible to interpret this as reading a new one). I also try to cook something new each week. And so the principle continues…..

To confess it actually took me about two weeks to work out the site tracker thing properly. Now I can see people visiting the site. Well that’s not entirely correct, rather I get an indication of how many people visit it, the approximate region these people are from. I now know that Freehills in Melbourne in fact comes through NSW. Moreover, I know someone in Boxhill. I also have two visitors from England and one from Portugal. Very exciting. Yes, very exciting!

if your up to it leave a comment! It's interesting to know what you think, or if you even do.


October 1

Moving away from September into October means I can reflect on how many friends, relatives and peoples birthdays I managed to forget, misplace or get wrong during this month.

I always argue that people should be forgiven in September because so many people are born in this month it's so easy to just loose count. It also concerns me that the full term of a human pregnancy is 9 months, which really translates into: a lot of people have a lot of fun on New Years Eve. Although I'm born in September thankgoodness this logic doesn't apply to me. Being two months premature I was supposed to be born in November. I guess I got bored or something. I think if someone told me arriving early would result in my skin turning a revolting yellow colour I probably would have reconsidered.

So here's a huge apology to all those whose birthdays I missed, forgot, or remembered a little too late. Mind you I was also a bit early for a few people (Meg and Jack). Anyway to Caro, Qe, Meg, Tannis, Rebecca, John, Trish, Heidi, Samir, Sarah Summons, James, Timmy O, Meg, Jack and Baby Marcus etc etc Happy Birthday! I hope you all had fantastic birthdays. Hopefully, I'll do a better job remembering next year.

Animal farm

Ha, for a moment i bet you thought I was referring to this Animal Farm.Once upon a time I thought I would play snowball well, but my inconsiderate parents developed my social conscious too far. Or perhaps a world without reading was to daunting. The pigs were the lucky ones who got to read. Then I thought maybe boxer was more me. My matra would have been 'must work harder' as his was and then 'Sarah is always right.' But odds are I would see the corruption and try to defeat it and drive myself mad in the process. To think there was a time I thought I could be Farmer Jones (but I wouldn't try and take over the farm, I'd just wait it out knowing the animals would stuff up.) This was probably when I thought shopping on Chapel Street was the thing to do. That frequenting Silvers on a Thursday night with my fake ID and Redheads on a Saturday was very cool. I think I would like to do an analysis of individuals in the law school and their similarities to the characters in Animal Farm. Alternatively, I could pen a similar text. Then they really wouldn't want me here. Assuming they do now.

Anyway the animal farm I am refer to is not a politically inspired text, based on true events and characters on the continent during WWII, rather something much lighter: the
Gold Coast Pet and Animal Expo. This was held on the weekend, literally out the back door. For those who require a more detailed geographical description: on the oval that the Unit 1 apartment looks over. It wasn't until Tannis and I ventured down on Saturday morning that I realised the car with the rooster horn I had been cursing since Friday afternoon was not a horn but an actual rooster. The rooster was forgiven, the driver of the car would not have been.

There were animals galore and
Dr Harry was a special guest. I don't think anyone else from this popular television series accompanied him, but don't quote me on that one. Every person, child, family and their dog from seemed to attend. From the plethora of animals my favorites would be the jersey calf, the baby goats and sheep, the ducklings, the Saint Bernards (one imported recently from Canada, I had a chat to the lady and said I was rather specialised in dealing with imports from Canada), and the Alaskan Malamute was hysterical (but for all their hair they are basically fun loving humans) lucky I'm not allowed pets at the complex. There was lots of lovely pups, kittens and some not so lovely ones. But hey it's not their fault their ugly and after all beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. There was a snake, and a blue tongue lizard. I must have lost my faculties at one point because I patted them.

Tannis would have stayed all day if I didn't drag her home. That's her in the picture with one of the numerous animals she befriended. That bird didn't want to leave her alone, and a few kids were rather envious when it wouldn't leave her hand to sit on theirs.

Mum and Dad you know what to get me for Christmas, or reward me with when I come back from Queensland. They have breeders in
Victoria, even in the Yarra Valley! Useful information I also found out was that Dogs coming into Australia only need to be held in quarantine for a month, not six as was previously the case.