
Melbourne bound

From the north to the south. Or, from the top to the bottom. Gold Coast to Queensland. You've got to love great architecture and appreciate it. My Father sent me the following text message upon arrival: "Welcome to the sanity of the southern states. Enjoy being a Mexican." Completely illogical and irrational, but then that's my Dad.

Stay tuned for 'the Anderson - Let's Organise James's Party Meeting' with Sarah the Dictator, Rob the Dictator's assistant/personal comedian, and all round funny man with a Plazma screen, the spit needs eight hours. Also staring -Belinda - the i've finally met someone that goes a million miles an hour like me, good lord i created it, the baskets in there Rob, go jump in it, no i don't actually know how many are coming...rob can you ask your brother I hear he is the social secretary. Oh and Emma mm, yep sounds alright...(my family have lost the plot) so that possum's my date to the party. Then there's Victor I'll just avoid the entire meeting, chaos has a new definition and James I'll turn up on the day and hold my breath, while drinking beer and eating cow with a pole up it's bum.

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The World

Sometimes you get cross at the world. Sometimes it gets cross back. I don't really get cross very often, upset yes, angry rarely. A few days ago, I was cross at the world. Cross because there are such guttless individuals who are intentionally malicious and nasty. They can turn a great day into a crappy one. I guess it's not the world's fault that these people are the way they are, but I tell you what it is someone's fault, somewhere. Of this I am sure. The world's revenge on me was ruining my computer.

Heading down south I thought no dramas my friends at PC warehouse, who always give me such good deals my Dad thinks there is something fishing going on, would have it solved in a jiffy. They had a look. They said do you want the bad news, or the bad, bad news. I said bad, bad first then the bad. Well to them the bad bad news was that my computer was not fusible the fan had gone, the battery had done something, and something or other else had been done. I said "oh that's not to bad I was intending to get a new one at some point, I guess this will be the point." The I said "what was the bad news?" As opposed to the bad, bad news. I nearly broke down and, cried in the shop. I think I may still be in shock (hence I am actually putting a post back on this thing.) The said "well you back up all your work and things like that so it probably wont be that much of a hassle but we can't get any of the data off." Well to start off with stuff the data what about my three weeks work of completely bizarre music on Itunes that I have been compiling for two years, what about all my photos, what about the stupid slide show I was doing for my brother. Oh yeah, and what about all my uni work.

Oh dear. Don't get cross at the world. Or the world will get cross at you. I am going to find Dad's Red Wine stash at the Basement Apartment. CD's. I must have some somewhere. I'll get onto this ......fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes etc all crossed ....

Meanwhile my old computer, a lovely fat, huge, monstrous desk top, and I are getting re-acquainted. I once wrote in excess of 30,000 words in less than a year on here. What has happened since. Not much obviously. This is such a good, kind, dear sweet, computer. It only it wasn't such a monstrosity. I don't think my Dad is taking good care of it. He subjects it to dumb music, he neglects it to go and draw. He puts all these stupid, weird and obscure things up around his office (I hid all the really weird ones last time, he must have tracked them down, note to self, next time find a better hiding place) and the computer has to look at them)

I used to make hysterical crank calls, fish and chip shops, you've won the lottery, we'd like to give a free holiday away, I am so and so. Today I tried to do this. I've lost my touch. I called Erin (my flatmate at number 1.) I was going to have a little fun and tell her that I was Jamie Oliver's assistant at Fifteen, and that she was one of the viewers who had been randomly selected to be the recipient of a dinner for five..... It didn't get further than hello in my English accent. Note to Meg, I think Patrick will have to give me a few lessons when I come and visit you in Noosa.

Perhaps this is a bad dream, maybe my computer will be okay. I'll go back to bed and see what happens when I get out tomorrow. Meanwhile keep praying Emma's music is safe, emma's music is sound!!!!


Thanks that was fun

It was fun for a while. It's sad how some people ruin things for others.

After the rather disgusting, inconsiderate, inappropriate, rude, slanderous, none of your business, and down right rude comments posted on this blog today, and those I have censored since, I've decided enough is enough. I don't need this, my family and friends don't need nor do they care to read such comments. I have no problem dealing with criticism, providing it's constructive and valid. What has been posted here doesn't fit this criteria.

Whoever these individuals are here is some advise, get a job. If you already have one get another one. If you have an allowance and don't need to work go and volunteer. If you are doing all of the above, pick up an extra subject or do more work on those you are currently enrolled in. Further, people are entitled be friends or not friends and do whatever they wish for other people. It isn't your business. Moreover, sometimes people do things not for the accolades, not for a pat on the back but just because they enjoy peoples company, thought it would be a helpful, kind or just fun thing to do. If you can't appreciate this then I suggest you seek help.

Comments can no longer be posted. I do apologise to those lovely people out there, and my Dad - don't worry dad we will sort something else out.

It's all my Dad's fault

Brendan Donoghue told me what he thought this morning. I know he should really be encouraged to provide people with his opinions more often. He doesn't do this enough. He told me what he thought in front of one of the Professors. Thanks Brendan. I haven't taken his course yet, but I hear you are! Let's just try getting to, or at least sending an advanced apology, to the Lecturer.

Brendan, told me that I never like anything about Qld. This is a generalisation. I don't agree with it. Brendan has taken some of my remarks out of context. Especially, the ones put out there to bait people just like him! He takes the bait all the time! I think he must skim read a lot, or just go reading what he wants to read, rather than what is actually in front of him. Many people do this including Gordon, Brendan and Jack. mmmm...Interesting gender trend there. I am quickly becoming very disturbed about the lack of reading and observation skills of some students at this law school. Cases can be won and lost on a single obscure point. I'll meet with my careers adviser(s) over the weekend and brainstorm some examples that i can post.

Brendan may I draw your attention to these posts:
this one, this one, and this one. Also to the posts on these people (who I obviously met in Qld), this person, this one, and these two. There are also some new friends I've made while up here and this is great. There are some people I've got to spend time with away from campus and I have really enjoyed this. Sometimes people don't like me and don't enjoy spending time with me. That isn't always good but what can you do. There are also the fantastic people I've met here that have moved on, my honorary baby brother Will, Sally, Sabrina, Dave, Jem, Nick, the Curtains, Rebecca, John,and Jade.

While you may say
this one looks at the bad and the unfair it also highlights to good. There are also events suh as this, this, this, and this.

Other things that are great about here are the Coolangatta Gold, the Australian SLSC (well this was good, now the tender goes to WA) the Beach, the Beach, the Beach, tambourine Mountains, O'Reilly's, the Donoghue family (your sister was one of the first people I met in the law school, it was at the coffee kart, and she introduced herself and asked me what I was taking,) your Mum and Dad are also great (I met them at Simone's birthday last year,) the National Park and its waterfalls, Little Beans, I Hate My Skirt, Thai food, great Ice Cream. Further, I think the architecture of the main bond buildings is fantastic. I also really enjoy the swimming pool and the sporting grounds are. There are also those lecturers and tutors that make the Law School a great place to be. Stay tuned for the unequivocal list!

However, I also like comparing and contrasting. I do this
here and here. Stay tuned and I will conduct a similar exercise with the east and the west (the Gold Coast and Cottesloe.) I will admit there are somethings I don't like. This may be related to Queensland, Melbourne or life in general. Nonetheless, like me many things are far from perfect. I'm willing to admit it, so I figure I can comment on the good, the bad and the down-right unfair to my hearts content. Once again apologies for still being in Qld to all those people who wish I wasn't here!

I've been thinking, which I don't do very often, that this mentality you have commented on may be completely my Dad's fault. You see he couldn't keep training for marathons in Perth, because of the weather, (or at least that's the reason he gives us, his brother and my Mum probably shed a little more light on the subject.) He packed up his little white WV Beatle with his possessions and his 6ft5" 80 kg frame and drove across the Nulabor plane. West to the east. To anyone not familiar with Australia and this stretch of road, basically you have to be a bit batty to do something like this (especially back in the 70s.) I think I've been there and back driving at least 4 times. I am sure my Dad will pass this off as a right of passage or some nonsense. Despite his love of the Tan, Marios, Blagorwie (prior to the yacht squadron and the mauve malvernians), the MCG, the NGV, Epworth Hospital, Brunswick Street, and Melbourne eating establishments he still talks about Perth like it is heaven on earth. The world's answer to utopia. I am sure this has something to do with the effects of nostalgia. I remember reading a very interesting chapter on this when I'll have to dig it out..... something about the fact that as we more further away from an event we begin to forget the bad and see only the good. Then we become rather sentimental. Anyway the point is despite have lived the majority of his life in Melbourne, Dad still claims to be a Western Australian, and continually reiterates how fantastic his Utopia is. This is probably another of his stupid characteristics I have inherited. So Brendan blame my Dad, not me!


A few things


Just a friendly reminder to all law students that tomorrow there is a "it's not just another morning tea." From 10am- 11.30 there will be masters students, SJD students, JD students LLB students, young, middle aged and mature law students. It goes without saying there will be some Canadians, Americans, Australians and hopefully some others. If your a law student we would love to see you. Hopefully some lecturers and tutors will need a chocolate and coffee hit so we will see a few of those also. Drop past with your own coffee mug or come and we will supply you with one. It will probably contribute to global warming, but hey sometimes we all have to make sacrifices. I'll make sure that I don't use the fan, air-conditioner, and washing machine tomorrow and hopefully this will lessen my ecological footprint. The post about this is here!

Lost and found

Material possessions lost and found from the Ball on Saturday: lost - a mobile phone! Please notify me if you found this. Found: a bow tie.


A huge hello to Mr and Mrs Danielson in Vancouver. I saw both your lovely children on Saturday evening! Your daughter told me you've started reading the blog. Don't worry they are both studying very hard. Mark is learning some top cooking skills. I hope you don't miss them too much. I'll keep you posted!


Evidently I am notorious for missing birthdays. If I know you and you're a friend well happy birthday. Happy birthday for when ever your birthday falls. I hope you have a fantastic day. I try really hard to remember but often forget. Please don't get hurt feelings, it isn't intentional. I'm lucky if Mum, Dad, Jasmine, Caro and Meg all remember. Well actually they are the ones that seem to year after year, and send a card or a message or an email.

Return to Melbourne

This weekend is my baby brother's 21st Birthday Party. 21st Party on the 21st. Ha, clever. His actual birthday isn't until the 8th of November. However, Uncle Pete is eventually getting around to marrying Eliza the following weekend, and then presumably heading off on a little honeymoon so best to get the 21st out of the way. So funny I can still remember when James was born. I think everyone was excepting a girl, so we were all a bit shocked when he turned out. As the photo shows I think my sister was genuinely turned off. For so long he was shorter than me. Then he grew and grew. I think he is still growing.

It will be great to go home. I really need to get away from Uni. I've had enough. It's a pity I can't stay down for the week - I would be at the Hideout and not move. Perhaps the basement apartment for a night so I could see some friends. It will be great to see Alice, Chloe, Bella, Sarah and Rob (aka Mr X), baby Marcus, Andrea, Caro, Dave, etc......There isn't much time so hopefully I can catch up with a few people Mario's perhaps? The best thing of all is people actually want me there (or at least they are very good at pretending), obviously unlike here.

While I was pretty shattered that he vetoed the theme I came up with for the party - 'Come fly with Me' - I've sort of recovered. It would have been great. He has a slight obsession with flying so we could have made the invitations into Kites, or hot air balloons (with lanterns) or put tiger moths on the front. The decorations obviously would have picked up on this. He could have dressed up as a Plane, or a pilot. We would have seen a lot of Top Gun imagery I am sure. I wanted to go as a fairy had have fairy lights. I told Sarah Martin she could come as an Air Hostess. Mum could have brought her broom, see here - specifically point 8. Dad could have gone as Louie the Fly - put some goggles on - fly screen wings....Everyone says I can still dress up....I might pass this time.

Belated birthday wishes

I can be a terrible friend. I am too early for birthdays, or too late. It's seldom I actually pass on my regards on time. Two birthdays that I've stuffed up, or have failed to mention on the blog, are those of my lovely friends Louise and Jasmine. Happy birthday girls, sorry I stuffed up!

Lost and Found

Did anyone lose, misplace, lend, or give away a bow tie on Saturday night? If so please notify me (obviously by way of this blog.) I know who has it.

If you left your bow tie with this person in anticipation of an exchange of phone numbers, email addresses or a new negotiation/client interviewing partner or the like I may be able to arrange this. This is not a dating agency, however, if you wish you may forward a CV, photographs and previous dating history to my email address. I will consider whether or not you qualify as a worthy applicant and accordingly forward (or not) your details to the individual concerned.


Australian Politics

Tanberg and Petty - Both from the Age


Reflection time here - reactions to equivocallyemma. People have commented, commended and criticised equivocallyemma since its inception. Today we reflect upon posts and personal opinions of individuals! Some are worthy of reflection and consideration, others are not.

In exordium: VictorfromOZ "... go back to study. I'm your father and furious. lauren had better get a life than to read your blog ."

Anonymous "... May the blog administrator be strong and leave the crap to fly into never, never land."

Big Brother :Jimmy The Fly "... Hi you sorry souls, i do not understand why you would be reading this, ...The government is now going to plan the country around my ...religion,income bracket and health needs ...As I said that I am a Jedi Night in the religion (optional) section, i am expecting new laws to be passed on personal privacy etc as i can now use my jedi mind tricks to make you do what i want, and just remember, I can mind read too. No bad thoughts, because I'll find you! And as far as health goes, the government will continue to have long waiting lists because they will continue to make it so difficult to live if you do not have private health cover. In addition to this CASA is the most over legislated and unnecessarily bureaucratic government body and thus is extremely inefficient. They make my life more difficult than it already is, however my life does have many upsides..." (i think he was referring to living with me)

Petro Georgiou doesn't sit on the fence : working hard for the money ... "so you're trying to say this is equivocally you...really. ....Come on you know you like to get down to the nitty gritty and tell people what you think...perhaps you are warming up...let's see something unequivocal!"


  • "...the blog is something else!! don't know whether it is the perfect excuse for procrastination from study or hugely useful - very entertaining none the less and a good reminder of you! - Lots of Love meg"
  • "Hey, love the blog." - Rebecca
  • "Hi Emma, I just followed a link from Drew's page to here and have just spent an hour reading your blog. Thanks for giving me something to do other than prepare for my tax tute."

  • "You need to spend more time on your essays" - a person who knows many, many talented lawyers and barristers, so I won't mention their name, for fear of potential retribution no matter how shallow my pockets!

  • "Hi there, That is brilliant and you are so sweet to go to all that effort." -Andrea. She was talking about this .
  • "You are a freak at times" - my sister Sarah
  • "hahhaahhaha......you gave in and copied me. I see...hahaha" - the person who banned me from their blog
  • "Fantastic!!!" -Diego

  • "Yay! I got a mention in the blog! I guess your tracker will also be able to tell you I just checked it out that's amazing, I never knew that was possible!!" - Anna Lyons

  • "From reading the blog briefly, I think the sooner you get out of Bond the better. Am thinking of you and will call as soon as I can." - My very intelligent friend who knows me too well. I miss them soo much!

  • "Em, I love you. This Blog spot is not only hysterical bubrilliant. Keep it up. Cheers, Lex ."
  • Anonymous ... Emma,are you not at law school. Did you transfer to blog school? Do some law work...i presume you are not assessed for your contributions to your blog, not matter how entertaining. I'm not sure what is worse, you being a bad influence on yourself, or providing a reason for other students not to complete the work. You want to give the university a reason to get rid of you...i can hear them now "nah didn't do my tut work, nah the dog didn't eat it, i was reading Emma's blog learned alot of interesting things but none really relate to this tut, sorry about that'

  • Sabrina ... "Just to clarify...I loved Australia especially Melbourne!! I just wasn't too impressed with the Gold Coast Cheers P.S.S. I miss you too Em!! Just do what I did...only go to school when you absolutely have to!!"
  • Anonymous said... "emma, quit being such a baby." three guess who this one was.

  • Here, I used a photograph that my sister took a long time ago. I did not credit to her. There was some running commentary regarding her poor spelling and the potential impact this may have on her academic career. Then she came out with this: "...if your crappy blog had spell checker then I would use it. You don't fail for bad spelling (we have ESL students) but you do fail for not referencing!!! And do you know that there has been an oxford study done that found that it doesn't matter what order you put the letters in as long as the first and last are the same you can understand it hmmmmm. I will find the reference for you." (I am still waiting on the reference.)

  • In regards to running commentary between my father here. Anonymous ... "you both have too much spare time!"

  • Jack Blackburn is threatening to sue me for defamation. I'm not to sure what he has been learning at law school. On so many levels this is hysterical. The following is the comment he posted. Some words and phrases have been removed. Thesen were inappropriate. All spelling and gramatical errors are his own. Nobody but Jack can take responsibility for his own spelling and grammar errors.
    “I feel it necessary to introduce my self, I am the Skuller, legend of Bond Uni and the Law School.…… I am a friend of both Gord Prisco and Brendan Donoghue, so i will be biased, i hear you have your reasons for disliking the 2 but refuse to announce them, what is wrong with transparency.From reading you latest posts my view is this. On the issue of the staff v student debate, Brendan and Gord are 2 funny and intellectual debaters, there cirteria is very high, Your idea of putting nervous shy people in front of a Bond Stock event . . . yeah some smart thinking there, i want the students to win this event though.Your a bit like myself, your a whinger….You say Melbourne and its unis is much better, then why not go back there, save us the onus of having to hear you drone. You have an arts degree, big deal, they are worthless, what did it show, i wasted my schooling on extra ciriculum activity.Stop being such a ….. we Bondies are great people, but you with your fancy taste in coffees and styles and the like really alienate your self from the general crowd.”

I imagine he is refering to the content of these posts: this, and this. However, he could be refering to the entire blog and I guess me. Oh well. Read the posts and consider this comment in context.

“It’s not just another Morning Tea…”

Tuesday Morning between 10-11.30 am some law students and hopefully some lecturers, will be gathering in the LSA Common Room to indulge in a multi-cultural experience: Tim Hortons Canadian Coffee and Australian Tim Tams.

We would love it if you could drop by. Bring your own mug if you would like, otherwise we will have some available.

We are aiming for this to be ‘not just another morning tea.’ We are hoping staff and students will use this informal opportunity to catch up, talk shop, discuss the weeks tutorial material, or the weekends adventures and maybe, if you’re up for it, have a chat to a few people about what’s further down the track (i.e after law school.)

Hopefully, people who can’t make it to Club 20, and even those who can, can drop by, if only for a quick hello.

See you there!

Bond University Students' Ball

When?: Saturday 14th October

Why? To provide an opportunity for the boys to pick their suits up from the dry-cleaners after Palaver. For the girls, to fret over what to wear, what shoes, the dress and even the appropriate underwear to purchase, borrow or procure. Then there's the hair, the make-up, the nails, the tan ... the list really does continue for some. But I ask why when walking out of the night club, as the sunrises...People must wonder why they spent so much money, when the end product is those photos.

For me it was low key. A last minute dress lending from the lovely Erin. A quick wash of the hair. A rumble through my draws to locate the long ago abandoned hairdryer, a few impromptu decisions, a little drink, some stuff on my face and out the door. Anna, whose off to consider a few new ideas, after meeting Erin, accompanied me.

Where?: where else but Palazzo Versace, Gold Coast Queensland. It was a first and probably a last. But I can definitely - TICK THAT BOX!

The food was very good. The night: probably my favorite ball at Bond. The Bus ride from the Ball to Broadbeach - smelly. Credit to Brendan Donoghue for taking the flack for someone else's excessive alcohol consumption. The after party: only attended by Anna and I for a short time. Others continued to drink, dance and commit debaucheries well into the early hours of this morning, well this is what the phone calls this afternoon implied.

My morning was pleasant. My afternoon was one of those occasions I can think of 100 and 1 places I would prefer to be (except for my coffee date! I waited along time, but it was well worth it.) Chocolate, tea and bed = the prescription for the evening.

Congratulations to outgoing student Council for a magnificent evening. Also, to the incoming Student Council: the entire Satisfaction ticket. Alex knows what I think about the fact she wasn't elected. Well done Sadia - I told you!

Photos to follow.....

Birthday wishes

These are the gorgeous Martin sisters. Tori, the younger, and blonder, of the two looked like she was enjoying her birthday celebrations last night. I won't tell you how old she turned, because it makes me seem positively ancient. Happy Birthday hon, hope your day and the next year is absolutely fantastic.