
Traveling in a land-down under

There is now officially one sleep left until Sabrina and I depart onour Sydney Safari. That means four sleeps until in Melbourne...not sure where I am staying...not sure where I now live. However, the Beaches or the Wright-Normans, or the Norman-Wrights (i can understand why Andrea and Dave don't want to hyphenate the bubs surname) always seem to have room for me - even if it's the dog's basket at the backdoor!

Sooo much to do...So much to see. I started writing a 'must do' list. I quit with the realisation that with two and a half days there was no way it could be completed unlesspowers akin to
Superman, or Wonder Woman, (well just some super hero powers) were developed. Sabrina perhaps but me, alas no...

The places to make the cut include, the Opera House (pictured), the Harbour Bridge, Circular Quay, The Museum of Modern Art, Elizabeth Street, Sydney University, Darling Harbour, Doyles(?) well it doesn't hurt to look, so while looking Kylie Kwong's, Bondi Beach, the ferry to Manley, that beach swimming pool where those crazy people lap swim in ocean water in the middle of winter (the ice-bergs i think they call themselves), Redfern, Kings Cross, Piggotts, Bronte..... well will have to consult my travel buddy! Also Rob Bartrop has offered to show us the sites. A massive thanks to him. Apparently he is going to drop us off at all the 'it' female shopping places but will not be caught dead there.

For all those law students taking a traveling break around Australia -stay tune for traveling tips around
Melbourne from the local! Also, some hints on far north Queensland the west coast of the Island and whatever else I come up with.

There were five in the bed and the little one said...

This photo tells a sad story for some, a happy one for others.

These girls -the Famous Five of the Law School- have come and gone. Initially when deciding on this title I was thinking of this, however, a further investigation revealed how perfect this label is for 5 Canadian girls because of this.

Alas, only spending one semester together (053) the Famous Five have gradually disbanded. First, after the late return of Sabrina was Sally's exchange to North-Western Uni. She didn't come back. A law school back home realised what a catch she was: offered her a place, she stayed.

Next to depart - Sabrina and Anj. This makes me very sad. Apparently Sabrina started here the semester before I did. She stayed for two semesters headed home and then re-appeared a year later. Lucky. Anj (the lovely Anj) who also went home for a semester finishes her degree and heads home to join her family. She looks a lot like my Mum. (I can sense her cringe when she reads this - but it's true! )

This leaves Jess and Anita. They should both be back next semester, providing Anita doesn't stay at the Bangkok Hilton traveling through Thailand. However, she is only back for a semester until trekking back over the equator to the northern hemisphere to complete her JD on exchange. Seems Jess will be the sole remaining member of the Famous Five in 071.

It's been a pleasure getting to know all these girls. Stay tuned for individual fond farewells...

Also leaving, as they are graduating this semester are Jem (best flat mate ever), Meegs Braithwaite (will really miss her), Belinda, Rabia, Morgan, Anne, Ena, Alex (aka the rocket and the sprocket-i prefer the names their parents gave them) James Perry, Jess McCauley (I'm sure the list goes on, but I'm getting old and my brain just doesn't function the way it used to). Other people who have decide they need a break from the Gold Coast for the semester include, Paula, Andrew(Bond Pin Up Boy extraordinary) and Rob Bartrop. They are heading off on exchange.



This is the comment for today


The library tonight

Tonight people here have reached breaking point.

Is this from excessive levels of caffeine, sugar, or illegal substances entering the blood stream? Who knows?

Evidence can be sourced from many examples...

  • Tannis had a nap - she woke up and couldn't remember what day of the week it was.
  • Some Canadians - (they know who they are) were doing practise exams. They found one they were doing rather difficult. They thought this just reinforced the fact that they were pretty stuffed for the Business Associations examination tomorrow but might be okay for equity if they get some sleep between now and Thursday (highly unlikely.) But, some Canadians are obviously smarter than other(a harsh generalisation). One of these slightly more intelligent individuals was Myles. He realised that in fact they were doing a past Business Law exam, not Business Associations. They thought they did quite well considering.
  • Nathan, another Canadian (yes, I can hear what you are thinking Canadians are a recurring, there are so many of them at Bond that they are an epidemic) thought he should be a model. Currently, he is sporting a rather attractive hair cut - for the eighties. It's bleach blonde in places, with dark undergrowth.
  • A Canadian friend of mine just rode home on his bike. He is ill at the moment. He just rode home in the dark in a navy jacket, with no helmet and no light on his bike. I hope he made it.
  • Matty, left the law library as I was here. That's not very nice
  • Also Andrew, whose face seems to be immortalised on Campus -he is literally the Bond pin-up boy for this semester - doesn't want any of my lollies. They are really yummy Natural Confectionery Company ones. Jenny Marshall would absolutely want some if she was around.
  • I also thought I started to hear voices thinking Sammy Marash was speaking to me when he wasn't....oh dear.
  • Grady was very positive and happy today. That's odd. It just occurred to me. What's wrong with him? Maybe he is sick too?
So, all in all we must be about half-way through the examination schedule by now. Some people are showing signs or distress, others are at breaking point. Some may have already cracked. I think after witnessing his behavior and sheer exhaustion this evening Dave Bassett may be one of these.

On another note the library staff here are just lovely. Chris is on the desk this evening. She is always smiling. I would also like to take this opportunity to say it's great the LSA are doing stuff! Thanks heaps, especially for the treats you were handing out last week!


Oh what a world

Often I like to start my day (before getting my computer, my text books that I have usually 'borrowed long-term' from friends or the Bond Uni Law Library, some food and my daily coffee money) by putting the speakers on maximum volume and 'repeat' Rufus Wainwright's, Oh What a World.
Other times it's just nice to read a happy story that makes you think 'what a wonderful world' this is.

"Much of life can never be explained only witnessed"
The story behind this picture is one of these. A baby hippo from the Sabaki river was washed into the Indian Ocean as a result of tsunami waves. The hippo was rescued of the coast of Kenya and taken to an animal facility in Mombassa. There the hippo found a mum (a Giant Tortoise) who adopted it. While my lovely Canadian friend Tannis told me of this story, it appears to have initially been published by AFP in Nairobi and various accounts have followed. You can read more about this union here, here and here.
Sometimes if i feel perplexed about the day ahead I read the odd-spot. I have been reading these in the Age (a Melbourne Paper) since I can remember just about anything. I also used to cut out Icpota figures. You don't really see the little dude around anymore and I don't take clippings of him. Guess I found better things to do with my time?