
Goings on

  • It is raining today. I think it has been raining since last night. Can't complain, we do need rain. I am sitting at a computer in the library (I still have not resolved the dilemma that was my laptop blowing up.) It is still raining outside. I thought it might stop after a sentence or two. I wonder if it will flood? I have a lot of work to do.
  • Tonight I am taking my brother out for a birthday dinner. His 21st birthday, no less. I was planning to cook him a celebratory dinner on his actual birthday - the 8th of November - but a few things have come up. I think he may come down to the coast the night before his birthday, so I can wish him happy birthday on the actual morning. I think he just wants to over-capitalise on birthday celebrations.
  • Car Batteries and I do not get on.
  • This is not good news: http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2006/11/03/1162340055442.html. To think people think global warming is not a problem.
  • Mark Lucenti listens to Kelly Clarkson. His justification for this is that he 'has diverse music tastes.' Unlikely.
  • This week I discovered, well actually was made to look rather foolish, that an English bull-dog is not just a breed of dog but in fact is associated with human boxing. I came across this information when I suggested to someone that rather dressing as an English bulldog for Halloween, they dressed as an American Bulldog. I think I provided a few individuals with a few moments of amusement.
  • There are a lot of birthdays coming up. Not as hectic as September, but not far off. There is James , Canadian Belinda, Lizzie Andrews (from kindergarten and school - after 15 years of education together how could one forget) is the 4th, and Gordon Prisco who spring to mind.
  • I want to read Jones Town. The hard copy was retailing for $49.95. I needed a new pair of shoes for Pete's wedding. We all have to make sacrifices. If anyone has bought it and read it and is willing to lend it to me. Please let me know. In the mean time I'll continue my expose into Mao's life. Oh, I found some exerts provided by the publishers. These can be accessed here.
  • My Dad sent me the links for these newspaper articles, 'Songbird Swift takes flight,' and 'Greenies 'hijackers' Charged.' Dad, regarding the last article; why are you sending me propaganda? We have observed the devastation (first hand) that logging is doing to Victoria and its water catchment areas. The headline sets up the tone of the article (I learnt how to determine this in Year 10.) I read it, only to reassure myself that people in this country are often ill-informed and quick to jump on populist bandwagons.
  • This information disgusts me.
  • I am not happy about the sale of this house to anybody, but myself. Pity. I'm spending more money than I am earning, and I probably owe the Australian Government more money than I will ever earn.
  • Typical: the rich are getting richer and the poor......
  • Hysterical. My horoscope for today: "Victorian Virgos would be well advised to lock their doors this weekend to avoid the plague of devil politicians stalking their neighbourhoods on the lookout for souls. Or is that votes? Same difference. Poke your head out at your peril." That's courtesy of the Weekend Australian Magazine.

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Student Politics

I make a point not to become involved in student politics.

I'll support ideas I deem worthwhile.

Sometimes I'll make an appearance at Club 20, Empire or something the student council does, such as the fireworks! I have observed that while student politics may, at times, be informative and entertaining, it can also be disturbing, horrific and hysterical.

I don't think my absence is noted, nor my presence recorded, at events I attend. I'm fine with this. I like taking a back seat, and observing. Sometimes people ask what I think, I'll give them my opinion. Sometimes I'll tell people what I think, just because I feel like it.

Often I like to make comparisons between politics and 'political characters' (if it can be called this and they can be labeled that at Bond) that I have observed.

Currently, I am rather annoyed at the huge amount of money used to publish a recent edition of Scope. This is not saying that the publication was not of a reasonable standard or that it didn't look good. Rather, I have become frustrated that at a time when funding for student councils/unions, student support services and activities at all Universities in Australia are dramatically impacted by VSU, this money is being spent on a student colour photograph publication. The wild rumour that has surfaced - that student council are considering painting the council offices and ordering new furniture - is also not making me very happy.

This maybe a wild rumor, if so I do apologise. If it isn't, I would hope that someone suggest to council that while spending funds generated to-date is important, so is investing some of these funds . Not necessarily for the students of today but for those of the future.

I stumbled upon a comment today. This prompted my comment, albeit brief, on student politics. As mentioned, I do try to avoid this. However, given that I do go to lengths to ensure this blog is equivocally emma, rather than unequivocally emma, I thought I really should post it!

"Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything." Frank Dane.
Interesting food for thought!

On another note, while I have re-activated comments on my blog I have discretion. I can choose to publish or not to publish. HA. So if your comment hasn't been posted I presumably have a valid reason (validity determined by ME) not to publish it.

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I've read this once. I have returned to read it again. It is worthwhile. Initially I avoided this text, on the basis that I recalled some of Peter Singer's earlier works which made me think far too much! Maybe I've mellowed with age? Perhaps, I've become more intelligent? Highly unlikely. If you actually care about the world, about eco-systems, about sustainabilty, about pollution it's worth considering. Even if you don't (I probably don't think you should both reading my blog anymore) perhaps you may have an epiphany.

I've decided to re-read this because of the plethora of facts, references and research cited by the authors that I didn't necessarily take the time to consider the first time. Guess what, if you keep reading this blog you will be privy to some of this information. I think my readership may have just dropped dramatically. Oh well.

To introduce the book consider this: "We don't usually think of what we eat as a matter of ethics. Stealing, lying, hurting people - these acts are obviously relevant to our moral character. So too, most would say is our involvement in community activities, our generosity to others in need....But eating- an activity that ...is essential...and in which everyone participates - is generally seen quite differently. It was not always so...."

Among many things this book made me reconsider my ecological footprint. I often try to push this to the back of my consciousness, but once you are aware of it and if you care it's difficult to forget it. Determine yours here. There are better places for doing this, but I can't locate them at the moment. If you are aware of any feel free to bring them to my attention.



Stupid is what stupid does

Albert Einstein said, "only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

While Martin Luther King Jr commented; "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

So to all those ignorant and stupid people out there who led me to the decision that I would cease to permit comments on this blog, I have been convinced, that for a time, I should revise this.

Stupid is what stupid does, so if you leave a stupid comment the stupid person is no one more than you. Notwithstanding, I may be the stupid person who has made the stupid decision. I guess this is fixable. Stupidity and ignorance, however, are not. So say what you will but as they say, stupid is what stupid does.



Introducing Peter and Eliza Whalley

I've been busy.

This weekend the Anderson Family (minus the two dogs who were 'holidaying' at the kennels), and the additions - Rob Wallis and Sarah Martin -headed off to Marysville (20 mins into the black spur forest from the hideout (at Healseville.) They bombarded this small country town (pop. 797), along with approximately 120 of Pete and Eliza's closest friends and family.

Marysville was rocking; two weddings in the space of four hours in the lovely little church, snow at lake mountain and a very, very cold wind. Numerous transactions at the lolly shop were accompanied by Darryl Hull on the piano, and Jaime Whalley in his new six seater plane.

Really, the highlight of the weekend was the reason all these people had booked every b&b, hotel, pub, and other avaliable accommodation in the town out: the marriage of Pete and Eliza. The bride and groom are pictured above. Then it's the Andersons and Pete in the middle. A de-brief to follow this post....just thought I should let you all know that I am still around and I have been on an adventure!

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Neighbourhood Justice Centre, coming soon to Yarra

I don't believe NOBODY told me about this!

I discovered this, when I picked a brochure in Brunswick Street. Yes, Dad I was doing something productive when waiting to pick you up from VCAT.

This is the exterior of the unfurnished, soon to be, first neighborhood Justice Centre in Australia. It is opening in the city of Yarra. Apart from a fantastic initiative, and obviously much needed facility it does something for the community with an unused space, rather than turning it into more apartments. Go to the website here, because I don't have enough time to write anything else. I've a class to go to, work to do, and tomorrow a drive north.

But I'll leave you with these comments;
Objectives of the Neighbourhood Justice Centre "Working with the community is a priority for the establishment and ongoing use of the NJC. This process aims to ensure that the NJC listens to the community, involves them in decision making processes and informs them about all relevant aspects of the project."

A resident; "conflict is sometimes just due to misunderstandings or lack of awareness about different people living."

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